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勘察设计费计算办法(国外英语资料) The survey fee calculation method in the 1 engineering exploration engineering survey fee = charges benchmark price * 1 + floating range from exergy 2 project survey toll base price = Engineering Survey physical work charge + engineering survey technical worker Make a charge 3 real engineering survey engineering survey work real work fee = base fee * physical work Additional adjustment factor for quantity X 4 Engineering Investigation Technical Work charges = Engineering Investigation physical work charges * technical work Cost proportion In order to facilitate the calculation of coefficient in the following provisions of La Floating range value =0 Technical charge for engineering investigation =0 Additional adjustment factor: The temperature coefficient in the Less than -9 degrees higher than 34 degrees increase 1.2 compared to other coefficients, the temperature coefficient is 1 The elevation coefficient in the 2000 meters in the coefficient of 1 2000-3000 meters in the coefficient of 1.1 3001-3500 meters in the coefficient of 1.2 3501-4000 meters in the coefficient of 1.3 More than 4001 meters in the coefficient of 1.5 According to the determined communication La without considering the temperature coefficient and altitude coefficient above coefficient Light pipe and cable line engineering survey fee standard formulation of a simplified table in the communication channel and optical cable lines in La electric engineering investigation fee is calculated item billing unit km in the la la element in the formula base fee 1 communication pipeline L = 0.21000 0.2 l less than 1 3200L+360 1 l less than 3 2733L+827 3 L less than 5 1867L+3425 5 L less than 10 1467L+5425 10 L less than 50 1200L+8095 L 501362 * L Two Buried light (electric) F long cable line Overhead light (electric) Cable line L = 1.02500 1 l less than 50 1140L+1360 50 L less than 200 990L+8860 200 L less than 1000 900L+26860 L 1000.04634 * L Three Pipe light (electric) Cable F City Over


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