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摘要 蓄电池是电池中的一种,它的作用是能把有限的电能储存起来,在合适的地方使用。它的工作原理就是把化学能转化为电能。它用填满海绵状的铅板作负极,填满二氧化铅的铅板作正极,并用22~28%的稀硫酸作电解质。在充电时,电能转化为化学能,放电时化学能又转化为电能。其充放电都有严格的电压、电流、温度的要求,所以必须设计它的检测系统。 蓄电池种类很多,有铅酸蓄电池、铅酸胶体蓄电池、镍氢电池、锂离子电池、锌空气电池和燃料电池等目前常用的蓄电池主要是铅酸蓄电池分别为普通蓄电池、干电荷蓄电池和免维护蓄电池。铅酸蓄电池一般是由正负极板、隔板、壳体、电解液和接线桩头等组成。蓄电池组是许多设备的动力源或应急电源,因此电池组的性能将直接关系到设备的正常运行。为了提高蓄电池的使用寿命,保证其可靠运行,需要经常对蓄电池参数进行严格测量,以确保蓄电池组处于最佳的工作状况。以往蓄电池参数的测量都是人工完成的。人工测量速度慢,测量精度不高,而且有害气体影响人体健康。为减少工人的劳动强度,保障测量人员身体健康,提高测量速度和测量精度,对蓄电池参数进行自动测量显得尤为重要。 本监测系统是以AT89S52单片机为核心,它含有8K字节快擦写可编程/擦除只读存储器(EEPROM),具有8k的内部RAM;3个16位定时记数器;32个可编成程的1/0口线;6个中断源;可编程的串行编口,还具有空闲和掉电方式,它的集成度高、速度快、功耗低,特别适合于多路数据采集的控制系统中。本系统可以测量蓄电池端电压、电池温度、蓄电池充放电电流等,数据采集电路采用模块化设计。测量数据在LCD上的显示、存储、上传PC机等功能。 关键词:单片机;蓄电池;智能检测;硬件设计。 Abstract Energy can be changed in various forms of energy, one of them, the chemical energy into electrical energy conversion device called chemical batteries, the general referred to as batteries, battery cells and batteries are the original division. Discharge can not be used after the manner of charging the internal regeneration of active substances called primary cells, also known as a one-time battery. Can be used after discharge rechargeable internal activity of the establishment of renewable material, the energy stored as chemical energy, the need to discharge the chemical energy to electrical energy is converted to the battery, called the battery, also known as secondary batteries. The lead-acid storage battery group is the drive power supply or contingency power supply for many machines. So the performance of the storage battery group is directly related to the normal running of many device. It is necessary to measure batteries’ parameters accurately and frequently in order to enhance their lives. The monitor system is to take AT89S52 as the core, its chip adopt the craft of CMOS and faces to monolithic machine with memory structure. It implies the quick cleaning of the 8 inside the break source. The programmable string goes to weave, still having


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