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夫妻一方婚前付首付款,婚后共同还贷,离婚房产判归付首付款者所有(国外英语资料)Husband and wife pay the first payment before marriage, after the marriage common owing on the loan, divorce property sentenced to pay the first payment of allXuzhou trial, 2011 fifth: Liu Yangsu Zhang Hongyan divorce dispute caseRelease time: 2011-12-15 17:42:59--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[referee summary]One of the spouses of premarital personal purchase of housing mortgage loans from banks, the first payment of personal property and marriage, together with a couple of property loans, property registration for the first payment of the name of the party, the divorce property division agreement from processing. In the event that an agreement cannot be reached, the peoples court may decide that the property is registered with the property right and that the loan which has not been repaid shall be the personal debt of the party registered with the property right. The two sides after marriagecommon owing on the loan payments and the corresponding part of the value of property, divorce should be based on the specific conditions of the property, in accordance with the care of children and the rights and interests of the principle of property rights registration by one party to the other party for compensation.Plaintiff Liu Yang.Defendant Zhang Hongyan.The plaintiff Liu Yang alleged that: the defendant was introduced in 2002 and I met love, married in May 2004, have a daughter Liu Yitong born 3 July 2005. Married so far, the defendant repeatedly left the child away from home. In 2008 June, I sued the court for divorce, mediation and reconciliation, but the defendant later failed all day, ignoring the children and the family. Our feelings have been unable to recover, it is taken to court for ordering the defendant and the defendant I divorce, restitution of property, child to a party the other party to pay alimony.Defendant Zhang Hongyan argued: the plaintiffs statement is not entire


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