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搞定装饰公司(国外英语资料)Seven strokes to fix the decoration company written in front: with increasing popularity, hardcover housing owners and aesthetic requirements of the decoration company, decoration companies and designers have played more and more important role in building materials sales. Although profitable, but the face of the decoration company, building materials businesses will always belong to the vulnerable groups, and decoration company cooperation has become the eternal pain of most businesses in mind, how to fix the decoration company, a stable source and long-term sales for themselves, has become the urgent need to solve this part of the business. The first one differentiated product supply I have no people, the building materials business and decoration company cooperation products must be differentiated products on the market, if it is serious homogenization of products, competitors can use lower prices and higher rebates to dig our corner, the decoration company will to high profit and defection. Differentiated products for building materials business and decoration companies mean higher profits, do not worry about consumers to compare prices on the market. When the building materials business cooperation agreement signed with the decoration company, will not be included in its full range of products, but the agreement clearly specified products can give high rebate, circulation of popular products is low this avoids kickbacks, future disputes in the form, also encourage decoration companies and designers recommend profit the products of high. Second strokes, integrity management, business, pay attention to a honest word, building materials business integrity of the decoration company, decoration companies can receive equal treatment. First of all, building materials businesses provide products must be qualified products, decoration companies are most worried about using building materials product quality problems, so businesses cant play trick on produc


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