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夺的同时造成了生态危机,我们如何应对生态危机和人类中心主义?那就是建 构生态文明的主体性,在自然整体限度之内不断地改进人与自然的关系,而不 能靠“走入”或“走出”人类中心主义来解决;二是新型实践方式——虚拟实 践使与人的主体性构建。虚拟实践作为一种新型实践方式,在极大提高人的主 体性同时也给主体性带来了挑战,我们必须在坚持马克思主体性理论的基础上, 正确认识和处理虚拟和现实的关系,在虚拟实践和现实实践中保持必要的张力, 虚实相生,以引导建构人的主体性的发展。 关键词:马克思 主体性 逻辑 III Abstract The problem of subjectivity is a long-standing and new topic, when it is reviewed again and again. However, during the long process of history, The convincing result can’t be gotten all the time in exploring human subjectivity, Karl Marx didn’t reveal human subjectivity scientifically until modern times for the first time, which was based on criticizing and inheriting western theory of subjectivity. Nevertheless, circumstances change with the passage of time, human come into twenty-first century, faced with reality, the study of subjectivity takes on certain rising situation, and It is prospective significance to carry out Marx’s theory of subjectivity, If we look closely at Marx’s theory of subjectivity .Actually deep understanding Marx’s thinking of subjectivity need research his thinking coherence, return to tradition and clarity basis. Only in this way does the theory of subjectivity not become water without a source and have creativity. Therefore, this text will organize and analyze subjectivity from the developing history of Marx’s thinking of subjectivity, in order to grasp its inherent logic and confirm its thinking connotation. This text consists of four parts. The first part mainly looks back the theoretical background of Marx’s subjective thinking so as to understand Marx’s subjective thinking from the origin. However in the east or west, human kneeled down the mystery of natural power in the begin


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