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ecshopSQL语句(国外英文资料) Some common functions are as follows: Get a single record $GLOBALS [ db ] - getRow ($SQL); Get a single field $GLOBALS [ db ] - getOne ($SQL); For example, query the total number of products: Echo $GLOBALS [ db ] - getOne ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM FROM $GLOBALS [] - table ( goods); Get all the records $GLOBALS [ db ] - getAll ($SQL); 4. The executing SQL statements $GLOBALS [ db ] - query ($SQL); / / execute DELETE (DELETE), INSERT (INSERT), UPDATE (UPDATE), etc Insert the array element into the database Parent [ goods_number ] = 1; The $parent [ parent_id ] = 0; $GLOBALS [ db ] - autoExecute ($GLOBALS [] - table ( cart), $parent, INSERT); Smarty configuration: Include ( smarty/smarty.class.php ) / / the smarty configuration file is called by default in the smarty root directory. $smarty = new smarty (); / / create an object Smarty- caching = false / / close the cache, which is good for testing. If the cache is open, change to true $smarty- cache_lifetime = 60 / / set cache survival time, unit seconds, must be true below $smarty- config_dir = . / configs ; / / set the configuration file directory $smarty- template_dir = . / templates ; / / set the template directory $smarty- compile_dir = ./ templates_c ; / / set up the compilation directory $smarty- cache_dir = . / / / set the cache directory $smarty- left_delimiter = {; / / cache the left boundary character $smarty- right_delimiter = } ; / / cache the right border The application of Smarty: $smarty- assign ( template variable , value/array); $smarty- display ( template name ); Index.php code: Bluesdog say: learn smarty only 30 minutes $smarty- assign ( content , $value); / / make template variable substitution $smarty- display ( index.htm ) / / this file is the template file and should be in the./ templates template directory Index. HTM code: HTML {if $content, } {$content} {/ if} The / HTML The cycle of Smarty: Smarty has two circular functions, the section loop multidimensional array,



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