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Call latest articles with section WHERE {PC: get SQL = SELECT a.t itle, a.c atid, biggest atid, biggest atname, a.u rl as turl, b.u rl as curl, Anderson d FROM ` v9_news ` a, ` v9_category ` b WHERE a.c atid = biggest atid ORDER BY ` a ` ` id ` DESC num = 15 cache = 300}
{loop $data $r}
h6 font class = cate a href = {$r [curl]} [[catname]} {$r] / a / font aclass = gray href = {$r [turl]} title = {$r [title]} {str_cut ($r [ title ], 26)} / a / h6
{/ loop}
{} / PC
= = = = font class = cate a href = {$r [curl]} [[catname]} {$r] / a / font section where the call 1. Intercepting calls title length {str_cut ($v [title], 36, )}
{str_cut ($v [ title ], 34)... Instead of {str_cut ($v [ title ], 34, ???????)?????????????????????????????????????????? Instead of {str_cut ($v [ title ] 34, )} is more than no characters
The format of the format time is 2011-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-05-0
span class = rt {date ( m - d , $v [ inputtime ])} / span
Multiple column calls multi-recommendation calls to call requirements: article 59, 60, 61, 3 columns, and push to 27 and 28 recommendations; From the third start, the seven articles are called consecutively.
{PC: get SQL = SELECT * FROM v9_news WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM v9_position_data WHERE posidin (27, 28) and catid (59,60,61)) IN the order by listorder DESC cache = 3600 start = 3 num = 7 return = data}
{loop $data $n $r}
a target = _blank href = {$r [ur l]} title = title =} style = color: Black . {str_cut ($r [title], 22, )} / a / li
{/ loop}
{} / PC
Display name (just name, no link) {$catname}
Display column names and links (clickable) a href = {$CATEGORYS]} {$CATEGORYS [$r] [ catname ]} / a
Get the parent column id/get the parent column name {$CATEGORY [$catid] [parentid]}
Parent column name: {$CATEGORYS [$CAT [parentid]] [catname]}
6. External data sources call dedecmsdb