
UCS-2 编码范围(国外英文资料).doc

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UCS-2 编码范围(国外英文资料)

UCS-2 编码范围(国外英文资料) Unicode is the most important of the five planes defined so far, and its coding is as follows. Note: the Chinese range 4e00-9fbf: CJK Unified Ideographs 0000-007f: C0 Control and Basic Latin (C0 Control and Basic Latin) 0080-00ff: C1 Control and Latin complement -1 (C1 Control and Latin 1 Supplement) 0100-017f: Latin Extended - A 0180-024f: Latin Extended - B 0250-02af: IPA Extensions 02b0-02ff: Spacing Modifiers 0300-036 - f: Combining with pronunciation symbols (Combining Diacritics Marks) 0370-03ff: Greek and Coptic Microsoft word0400-04ff: Cyrillic 0500-052f: Cyrillic Supplement Armenian (Armenian) 0590-05ff: Hebrew. 0600-06ff: Arabic. 0700-074f: Syriac 0750-077f: Arabic Supplement 0780-07BF: Thaana 07c0-077f: west African written language (N ko) 0800-085f: Avestan and Pahlavi 0860-087 - f: Mandaic 0880-08af: Samaritan 0900-097f: Devanagari 0980-09FF: Bengali 0a00-0a7f: Gurmukhi 0a80-0aff: Gujarati 0b00-0b7f: Oriya. 0b80-0bff: Tamil 0c00-0c7f: Telugu 0C80-0CFF: Kannada Malayalam: 0d80-0dff: Sinhala 0e00-0e7f: Thai. 0e80-0eff: Lao 0f00-0fff: Tibetan. 1000-109f: Burmese 10a0-10ff: Georgian 1100-11FF: Hangul Jamo 1200-137F: Ethiopian (Ethiopic) 1380-139f: Ethiopic supplements 13a0-13ff: Cherokee 1400-167f: Unified Canadian Aboriginal words 1680-169f: Ogham. 16a0-16ff: like Runic 1700-171f: Tagalog 1720-173 - f: Hanunoo 1740-175 - f: Buhid 1760-177 - f: Tagbanwa 1780-17ff: Khmer 1800-18af: Mongolian 18 b0 to 18 ff: Cham 1900-194 - f: Limbu 1950-197f: Tai Le 1980-19 df: New dai LeYu (New Tai Lue) 19e0-19ff: Kmer Symbols 1 a1f a00:1450:8006-1: Buginese 1 a5f a20-1: Batak 1 aef a80-1: Lanna B00-1b7f: Balinese 1b80-1bb0: Sundanese 1 BFF bc0-1: Pahawh Hmong 1c00-1c4f: Lepcha (Lepcha) 1 c7f c50-1: Ol Chiki 1c80-1cdf: Meithei/Manipuri. Phonetic Extensions Phonetic Extensions supplemem unicodeent. 1 DFF dc0-1: Combining with pronunciation symbols added (Combining Diacritics Marks Supplement) 1E00-1EFF: Latin Extended Additional 1f00-1fff: Greek Extended 2


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