冀教版四年级上册英语Lesson2 New and Old.ppt

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冀教版四年级上册英语Lesson2 New and Old

Review: ( )1、他穿着什么? A.These are black trousers. ( )2、这些是黑色的裤子。 B.I am wearing a blue shirt. ( )3、我穿着蓝色的衬衫。 C.This is a yellow skirt. ( )4、这是一条黄色的裙子。 D.What is he wearing? 1、is 是(用于he,she,it及单数可数名词和不可数名词后) Example: It is a book. She is a girl . He is ten years old. 2、are 是(用于we,you,they及复数名词后) Example: We are happy . You are a clever student. They are some books. 3、new 新的 Example: This is a new book. 4、old 旧的;年老的;......岁的 Example: This is a old book. It is old.they are old 5、it 它 Example: It is a new skirt . Is it a new skirt? Yes ,it is./no,it isn’t. 6、they 他们;她们;它们 Example: They are old sweaters. Part1: New or old? I like your skirt. Thanks! Is it new? Yes! It’s my birthday gift. I like your trousers. Are they new? No.They’re old. * D A B C Unit 1 The Clothes We Wear New words: 这是一件新毛衣。 这是一件旧毛衣。 这些是旧裤子。 This is a new sweater. This is an old sweater. These are new trousers. These are old trousers. a和an是不定冠词,用于单数可数名词之前, 表示一(个、头、只······) 1、a 用在以辅音因素开头的单数可数名词前。 2、an用在以元音因素(a 、e 、i、 o、 u )开头的单数可数名词前。 这些是新裤子。 small big new T-shirt old Clothes trousers sweater skirt Look and write. Part2:Let’s do it ! 1、This is an old T-shirt. 2、These are new trousers. 3、This is a big sweater. 4、This is a small skirt. 生日礼物 我最喜欢的… Part3:I like your skirt They’re my favourite trousers. They’re nice! be动词 is,are开头的句子为一般疑问句, 以is开头的句子肯定回答:Yes,it is. 否定回答:No,it isnt. 以are 开头的句子肯定回答:Yes,they are. 否定回答:No,they arent. *


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