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中国农村水利水电# 2010 年第1期 51 : 1007-2284(2010) 01-0051-05 董晓华, 薄会娟, 邓 霞 (, 443002) : 汛期河道的水位流量关系通常呈绳套型, 对其进行高精 的定线是洪水资源实施高效管理的基础传统的 定线方法效率低,误差大, 因而本文使用最小二乘法为优化方法, 对绳套型水位流量方程进行优化定线首先,Saint-Ve- nant 方程中的迁移惯性项和局地惯性项被去掉以简化方程, 附加比降被引入以使方程能够拟合绳套型曲线; 然后,简化 后的方程通过取对数多项式展开和幂级数展开被线性化; 最后应用最小二乘法估计线性化方程中的参数对3 个案例 的应用结果表明,所获得的定线方程能有效拟合观测的水位流量曲线, 对拟合结果的偏离符号检验适线检验和偏离数 值检验均符合水文资料整编规范中的定线精 要求,说明将最小二乘法应用于绳套型水位流量曲线的优化定线是有 效的 : 最小二乘法; 绳套型水位流量关系; 曲线拟合 :P337-3; TV123 :A Optimal Determination of Looped Stage-discharge Relationship by the Least Squres Methods DONG Xiao-hua, O Hu-i juan, DENG Xia (College of Civil and ydropower Engineering, Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, ubei Province, China) Abstract: The stage-discharge in flooding seasons in river channels normally presents a shape of loop, determining it is basic for con- ducting an efficient management of flooding water resources. Traditional ways of determining thelooped relationship has such disad- vantages as inefficiency, significant errors, etc. , therefore this paper aims at applying the Least Squares Method (LSM) to optimal determination of the looped stage-discharge relationship. The equation capable of depicting the looped stage-discharge relationship in river channels is obtained based on the original Saint-Venant momentum equation, by identifying the water surface slope as the sum- mation of the channel bottom slope and additional slope of flooding wave. The introduced additional slope item enabled the equation to simulate the looped shape of the stage-discharge relationship. The local and convective inertia items are removed from the original Saint-Venant momentum equat


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