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南京林业大学 本科毕业论文(设计) 道路施工工序的质量控制研究 学 院: 土木工程学院 专 业:森林工程(道路与桥梁方向) 学 号:____ 080601113 __ 学生姓名:_____________ 指导教师:______ 职 称: 教授 _ 二O一二年五月十八日 摘 要 道路工程项目的施工过程,是由一系列相互关联、相互制约的工序所构成,工序质量是基础,直接影响工程项目的整体质量。控制工程项目施工过程的质量,必须控制好施工工序的质量,把工程质量从事后检查把关,转向事前控制,达到以预防为主的目的。该研究的前言应着重说明施工工序质量控制研究的意义、目的、范围,说明本研究的起因、背景及相关研究的回顾,即以往研究做了哪些工作、解决了什么问题、目前进展程度。研究方案应包括以下方面内容:道路施工及其特点;道路施工质量重要控制点;工序质量控制的内容;控制程序和方法等。 随着现代化步伐的加快,我国基础设施建设正以前所未有的规模在国展开,同时质量问题越来越成为人们关注的焦点。因为道路工程质量是企业的生命,提高质量是企业的社会责任,是企业素质的综合反映,是项目治理水平的重要标志,而施工单位只有进行科学全面的质量治理方法,才有助于提高工程施工整体质量,有助于提高施工的整体素质,才有助于提套企业的经济效益。因此,对质量的控制和监管在道路的施工过程中有着举足轻重的地位。 关键词:道路,施工,工序,质量,控制 Abstract Construction process of road projects, is composed of a series of interrelated, mutual constraint process, and process quality is the Foundation directly affects the overall quality of the project. Quality control project construction process, you must control the quality of construction processes, check after check project quality, turned to the prior control, achieve the goal of prevention. The studies foreword should be highlighted the significance of the study on the quality control of the construction process, objectives, scope, the present research on the causes, background and review of related studies, that is, what work, previous research done to address the problem, the current level of progress. Research programmes should include the following aspects: road construction and characteristics of road important control points of construction quality; contents of process quality control; control procedures and methods. With the acceleration of the pace of modernization, our infrastructure is unprecedented in the country before, at the same time the quality issues have increasingly become the focus of peoples attention. For road engineering quality is enterprises life, improve the quality is enterprises social responsibility, is the comprehensive reflection of the quality of the enterp


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