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Retail Audit Presentation Prepared XXX Updated to Jan/Feb.2003 Category Overview Personal Wash Agenda Category Overview Why XX-Bath Liquid Lose Share in SH/E A/S BCD/E BCD Milk Yearly Performance Review Explore 300~999ml Pack Sales Opportunity TTT Bag Launch Evaluation Category Overview SummaryCategory Overview Total PW market size increased continuously driven by Bath Liquid, and Hand Wash size emerged in latest 2 years across cities; Bar soap size increased in cities as well so far, Bar soap market size has little sales impact from the growth of Hand Wash and Bath Liquid XX sales grew in line with total market yearly while behind the growth rate in latest 6 month vs YA; and lose share traced to SH/E A/S BCD/ E BCD SummaryCategory Overview(Con.) Overall MNB gained share in latest 6 months vs YA largely driven by PG; Olay gained share fastest followed with Dove Zici/Aoxue captured share gain continuously XX Milk share gained and distribution increased vs last year while failed to recover the lose from other variants Product Segment Annual GrowthTotal Category Increased While Bar Soap Sales Maintain Product Sales Mix Growth by CityBar Captured Size Growth In City, Which Indicating Little Impact From the Growth of BW/HW Product Sales Mix Growth by RegionPW Grew Traced to S/E/N Where Bar Size Increase As Well Product Segment Sales Growth IndexSoap Sales Captured Slightly Decline In Latest 2 Periods vs. YA Product Segment Growth by CityND02/JF03 vs ND01/JF02Bar Soap Sales Decline In BCDTown Product Segment Price Trend Bath Liquid Sales Growth XX Vs. TTLXX Behind Market Growth In JF03 vs JF02 Multi.National Manufacture Share ChgPG Drove the Growth Of MNB In Last Winter Season; XX Lose Share MNB Key Lo.Brand Value Share Olay Leading The Growth Followed with Dove MNB Price Tracking, NationalOlay/SFG/Dove Price Gap Narrowing Down With XX Bath Liq. Key Brands Distribution GrowthCompetitors Close Distribution Gap with XX Bath Liq. XX / MNB / Lo. Share
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