外研版选修7Module5Reading Practice 赛讲教案.ppt

外研版选修7Module5Reading Practice 赛讲教案.ppt

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外研版选修7Module5Reading Practice 赛讲教案

Look at the title of the passage. What kind of passage do you expect it to be? Is Yao Ming Too Nice To Be A Star? A. a report B. an advertisement C. travel brochure D. a story Look at the title of the passage. What kind of passage do you expect it to be? All you need to know about Hip Hop A. a report B. an advertisement C. travel brochure D. a story Look at the title of the passage. What kind of passage do you expect it to be? Whats on Tonight A. a report B. an advertisement C. travel brochure D. a story Look at the title of the passage. What kind of passage do you expect it to be? How to get around in Pingyao A. a report B. an advertisement C. travel brochure D. a story Look at the title of the passage. What kind of passage do you expect it to be? No Problem A. a report B. an advertisement C. travel brochure D. a story Read the extracts from the passage and guess what the passage is about. ... I dropped the hammer onto my foot. It was pouring with rain ... We had a flat tyre ... Out of the jungle came an old woman. Shes got a spear. Can you help us? Our hostess poured some tea, and watched as we drank. Can we contact a garage? Suddenly, there was a tap at the door. It is a story about people with a flat tyre in the jungle who are helped by the locals. Module 5 Ethnic Culture Reading Practice (1) Where did the story happen? (2) How many characters are there in the story? Who are they? (3)What problem did “ I ” have? (4)How was the problem solved? Keys to Activity 3 D Keys to Activity 4 A B D C C She stared at it, and then made a gesture to follow her back to the jungle. 她盯着轮子看了一会儿,然后做了个手势让我们跟她回到树林里去。 Soon we came to a tent under an arch of trees. It had a rigi


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