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写一份接待信函,英文范文 篇一:外经贸英语函电 letter 作文 信函 (建立联系) 经鲍兹威尔先生介绍,我方获悉贵公司的名称与地址。 愿与贵公司建立业务关系,在中国市场销售贵公司的五金产品。本公司经营五金产品多年,声誉卓著,拥有可靠 的销售渠道。 为使贵方对我公司有全面的了解,现随函附寄去我公司宣传手册一本。盼早日回复。 Dear Sir, We have your name and address through the introduction of Mr. Boswell, who has informed us that you are interested in opening up the market in China. We hope to establish business relations with you for the purpose of marketing your hardware products here. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the leading company in China dealing in hardware products, with high reputation and reliable outlets. To give you a general idea of our company, we are enclosing a copy of our brochure. Any proposals c(转载自:www.BdfQy.Com 千 叶帆 文摘:写一份接待信函,英文范文)oncerning cooperation will be given our immediate consideration. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully Write a letter with the following given particulars. 随函附寄陶瓷碟子的询价细目。 本公司经营各种陶瓷碟子的零售业务。 恳请惠寄货品目录和价目表。 盼早日回复。 Dear Sirs, We are interested in your dishes and here by enclose the details of our enquiry for them We have been running a quality retail business of a wide range if china dishes Would you please send us a copy of your china dish catalogue with the details of your prices? We look forward to your early reply Yours Sincerely Write a letter with the following given particulars. Letter 1 1. 确认收到来函并表示感谢对方的询价。 2.所询问的男女羊皮手套均有现货,售价优惠。 3.如订单金额超过500美元,可享受9折优惠。 4.良机难得,请速回复。 Letter 2: 1.对产品虽很满意,但认为价格过高,无法接受。 2.要求降价为每个5美元 3.如同意降价,则大量订货。 4.要求迅速回复。 Write a letter with the following given particulars. 对产品虽很满意,但认为价格过高,无法接受。 要求降价为每个5美元。 如同意降价,则大量订货。 要求迅速回复。 Dear Sirs, We have been very satisfied with your product. However, we feel your price is too high to accept. We find that we can obtain a price of $5.00 per piece with a local firm. This is much lower than your price of $8.00 per piece. Unless you see your way clear to meeting these figures we will not place with you an orde


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