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Yangste STAR Yangste STAR Yangste STAR Yangze STAR A Landmark Project for the Whole World Collaboration between China and UK * Energy and Environment – a Zero Carbon Future for Dongtan? 能源和环境 --东滩的零碳将来? 汇丰银行低碳创新主管.东安格里安大学环境科学系 Keith Tovey (杜伟贤) M.A., PhD, CEng, MICE, CEnv HSBC Director of Low Carbon Innovation: School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia CRed 1 Climate Change: Arctic meltdown 1979 - 2003 Summer ice coverage of Arctic Polar Region Nasa satellite imagery Source: Nasa /centers/goddard/news/topstory/2003/1023esuice.html 24年内减少了20% 1979 2003 CRed 夏天的北极区域冰盖—Nasa(美国国家航天局)卫星照片 20% reduction in 24 years 气候变化:北极冰盖融化1979-2003 2 Comparison of emissions of different countries 不同国家的排放比较 Raising Awareness Electricity Generation in China is dominated by coal Carbon Emission factor 0.870 kg/kWh cf 0.52 kg/kWh in UK 中国主要使用煤炭进行发电 碳排放数据0.870 kg/kWh 在英国这一数据是0.52kg/kWh 3 YANGTZE STAR 杨子之星 A striking architectural feature An integrated renewable power station An educational facility A research facility A visitor attraction 新颖的建筑布局 综合的可再生能源供给站 用于教育的设施 可供研究的设施 独具吸引力的访客中心 4 Dongtan: A Vision for the Future 东滩:未来之窗 Low Energy Buildings in Dongtan City Integrated Renewable Power Station with Biomass/ MSW/ Biogas/ Solar and Wind Direct Interaction between energy demand by residents and energy generation. 东滩的低碳排放建筑 包含生物质能/市政废物/沼气/太阳能和风能的可再生能源供给站 居民能源需求和能源产生之间的直接互动关系. 杨子之星 5 YANGTZE STAR 杨子之星 The STAR is inspired by the power of the Yangste and its meandering journey to the sea. Dongtan will have minimal impact on the environment through: Low energy buildings Energy from renewable sources Like the river, the greenhouse will meander through the STAR providing Education Research Awareness Raising A Visitor Attraction 杨子之星的灵感来自于扬子江奔腾不息汇入大海的伟大力量 东滩队于环境将产生最小的影响: 低能源消耗建筑 能源供给来自可再生能源 未来温室将如河流般蜿蜒穿过杨子之星,整个项目包含以下功能: 教育 研究 知识传播 游览参观 6 Visitor Centre Solar Research 访客中心和太阳能研究中心 Main Entrance 主入口 E



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