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武则天悔过书 篇一:武则天的权力欲与母性 武则天的权力欲与母性 ——从子女的命运看武则天夺权中母性的两面性 【摘要】武则天是个权力欲极强的人物,为坐上女皇的宝座,她 使用多种政治手段,培植党羽,打击异己,设立告密组织,大肆杀戮等等,无一不体现着武则天的残忍与争强好胜的个性,在武则天权力上升时期,其子女遭遇不一,大多成为其政治牺牲品,让人无法想象身为人母的武则天在追逐权力过程中扭曲的母性心理。但在太平公主身上,我们却又能看到武则天母爱博大无私的一面,让人不得不承认其母性尚存。武则天这样一个复杂人物,一方面,疯狂地追逐权力,甚至毫不留情地杀害子女;另一方面,又在竭力弥补过错,将最深厚的母爱施加到太平公主身上,其母性表现出迥然不同的两面性,值得深思。 【关键词】武则天 权力欲 母性 【Abstract】 Wu Zetian is a person whose Power wants are extremely strong. In order to take the empress#39; throne, she uses many kinds of political means, cultivates the confederate, attack dissidents, Set up secret organization, and massacre without restraint, reflect cruelty of Wu Zetian and striving strong individual character that seek to do others down all, in the period of rising of Wu Zetian#39;s power, the destiny of her children are differed, mostly become her political victims, make people unable to imagine being taken as the twisted maternal instinct psychology that Wu Zetian as a mother in the course of chasing power.But on taiping princess, we can see the side that the mother love of Wu Zetian is vast and unselfish,let people have to admit that their maternal instinct is remained.A complicated personage such as Wu Zetian, on one hand,chases power crazily, even murder children bare- knuckledly;On the other hand, is doing one#39;s utmost to remedy the fault again, the deepest mother love will be exerted to on the taiping princess, its maternal instinct demonstrates the far different dual character, Worth thinking deeply about. 【Key words】 Wu Zetian The desire of power Maternal instinct 引语 武则天是中国历史上唯一的女皇。她由太宗时的小小女官一步步 爬上皇帝的宝座,且参与李唐政事长达五十多年,堪称历史的奇迹。 这奇迹背后,不仅仅是武则天的魄力与才华使然,更是她敢于打破常 规,追逐权力、大胆改革的结果。历史上对武则天这一奇迹人物毁誉 参半,毁者责骂其“牝鸡司晨”,任用奸臣、滥杀无辜、缺乏母性;誉 者歌颂其历史功绩,称赞其过人胆略与惊人谋略。诚然,武则天一生 都在追逐权力,玩弄权术,在政治上,她是个大赢家,以女流之辈居 于中国最高位,让世人瞩目,这也是她一如既往地追逐权力与争强好 胜从不手软的个性创造的,而武则天也是一位母亲,在夺权道路上, 这位母亲不惜杀害子女,让人看到的是残忍、没有人性的母亲。可武 则天又在努力弥补过错,将沉重的母爱倾注在太平公主身上,让人看 到这位母性并未泯灭的母亲的矛盾心理。本文将从武则天的权力欲、 政治权术以及追逐权力过程中其子女的命运方面进行探


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