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New Idea English School 主讲: Jacky 儿童版3 Lesson 8 Revision --What time is it? --It is 、、、 Look and say A: Excuse me. B: Yes? A: What time is it? B: Let me see. Its seven oclock. A: Oh! Its time to get up. get up It’ 6:30 It’s time to Who is the busy bee? 谁是勤劳小蜜蜂 get up It’s 7:00 It’s time to go to school It’s 7:30 It’s time to play football It’s 9:00 It’s time to It’s 11:30 have lunch It’s time to It’s 2:00 fly a kite It’s time to It’s 4:20 play basketball It’s time to It’s 8:40 have lunch It’s time to go to bed It’s 9:00 活动1 Look and guess ( 看动作,猜单词) Do as I say (我说你做) 看谁猜得快 play football fly a kite get up watch TV play basketball have lunch 活动2 Tick, tock, tick tock. Merrily sings the clock. It’s time to play. It’s time to work. It sings all the day. Tick, tock, tick tock. Merrily sings the clock. A clock 连词成句 学生在三个纸箱中各抽取一张,将它们连起来组成一句话,全体同学评判这句话的合理性(合理的给予掌声鼓励。) 活动3 例如:李小冬 It’s 6:00 It’s time to get up. For today’s homework 1.抄写90页单词各5遍 2.熟读课文89页和90页对话


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