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有关数学的运算 Add, plus Subtract Difference Multiply, times Product divide 有关数学的运算 Add,plus Subtract Difference Multiply,times Product divide 加 减 差 乘 积 除 有关数学的运算 Divisible Divided evenly Divident Divisor Quotient Remainder 有关数学的运算 Divisible Divided evenly Divident Divisor Quotient Remainder 可被整除的 被整除 被除数,红利 因子,除数 商 余数 Which of the following could be the remainder when four consecutive positive integers are each divided by 3? A. 1,2,3,1 B. 1,2,3,4 C. 0,1,2,3 D. 0,1,2,0 E. 0,2,3,0 1、根号8除以2倍根号2 If United States imports increased 20 percent and export decreased 10 percent during a certain year,the ratio of imports to exports at the end of the year was how many times the ratio at the beginning of the year? A. 12/11 B. 4/3 C.11/8 D. 3/2 E.2 有关数学的运算 有关数学的运算 有关集合 有关集合 最近演了3部电影。调查了100个人,其中20人看了所有3部,10人什么都没看。看了每部电影的人数分别为:47,48,55。问:只看了2部的人数? A 20, B 30, C 40, D 70, E 90。 代数式 方程 不等式 代数式 方程 不等式 1.00001*0.99999+1.00002*0.99998=? 分数 分数 小数 小数 基本数论 基本数论 三角形?余玄定理 两线垂直的条件为K1K2=(-1)? 三的倍数的特点:所有位数之和可被3整除? In the xy-plane,point R(2,3) and point S(5,6) are two vertices of triangle RST.if the sum of the slopes of the sides of the triangle is 1,which of the following angles could be a right angle? 1.R 2.S 3.T A.none B.1only C.3only D.1and3 only E.1,2and3 一个电影院,第一排有16个位置,每后一排多两个,最后一排64,问总共多少位置? 一个球落下弹回原高度75%,到第三次落地共旅程为2146CM,问最初高度? For all positive values of x ,the function f is defined by .of the following,which is the best approximation of f(x)for value of x greater than 1000? 排列(permutation) 组合(combination) 有两个老师三个学生排队,老师只能在最前或最后,有多少种排法? 6本书其中 paper book 4 本,hard book 2本.求取3本至少1本hard book, 有多少种取法 ? w 概率(probability) On Monday,Anderson High School’s basketball team will play the team from Baker High School.On Wednesday, Baker’s team will play the team from Cole High School.On Friday, Cole will play each game,either team has a 50 percent chance of win


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