底脚弯曲模具设计论文 冲压模具专业大学本科论文.doc

底脚弯曲模具设计论文 冲压模具专业大学本科论文.doc

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底脚弯曲模具设计论文 冲压模具专业大学本科论文

洛阳理工学院 毕业设计(论文)任务书 填表时间: 2010年 月 日《冷冲压工艺及模具设计》实用模具设计与制造手册冲压模具在实际工业生产中应用广泛。在传统的工业生产中,工人生产的劳动强度大、劳动量大,严重影响生产效率的提高。随着当今科技的发展, 工业生产中模具的使用已经越来越引起人们的重视,而被大量应用到工业生产中来。冲压模具的自动送料技术也投入到实际的生产中,冲压模具可以大大的提高劳动生产效率,减轻工人负担,具有重要的技术进步意义和经济价值。 本文对冷冲压技术的分类、特点及发展方向作了简略概述;论述了冲压零件的形成原理、基本模具结构与运动过程及其设计原理;对典型的冲压件模具进行了设计:冲压复合模设计解决了的加工难题、带有浮动凸模的复合模设计、在室温的条件下对坯件进行冲压成形,生产效率提高,经济效益显著。本文介绍的模具实例结构简单实用,使用方便可靠,对类似工件的大批量生产具有一定的参考作用。冲压模具制造模具设计弯曲 THE DESIGN OF BENDING DIE FOR THE FEET ABSTRACT Punching die has been widely used in industrial production.In the traditional industrial production,the worker work very hard,and there are too much work,so the efficiency is low.With the development of the science and technology nowadays,the use of punching die in the industial production gain more attention, and be used in the industrial production more and more.Self-acting feed technology of punching die is also used in production, punching die could increase the efficience of production and could alleviate the work burden,so it has significant meaning in technologic progress and economic value. The article mainly discussed the classification,feature and the developmental direction of the pnnching technology. Elaborated the punching components formation principle, the basic dies structure and the rate process and the principle of design; and designed some conventional punching die:the die for the feet have saved the trouble of the punching .for The punching dies that utilized the feature of the normal punch shaped the workpiece in the room temperature,and its efficiency and economic situation is excellent. The dies here discussed can be easily made,conveniently used, and safely operated.And it could be used as the reference in the large scale production of similar workpieces. KEY WORDS: punching,die, manufacture,die design, bending 前 言 1 第1章 设计任务和产品图 4 第2章 弯曲工艺性分析 5 2.1 零件的工艺性分析 5 2.2 结构工艺性分析 5 第3章弯曲工艺方案确定 7 3.1 计算毛坯尺寸 7 3.2 排样形式 7 第4章 冲压工艺计算及设备选择 9 4.1 计算弯曲力 9 4.2 选择压力机 9 第5章 模具结构形式的选择和计算 11 5.1 凹模与凸模圆角半径 11


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