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1、One possibility with electric locomotives is that the motor can be used as a generator during braking, feeding electricity back into the supply system; this is called regenerative braking. 译:在电力机车进行制动过程中,电机还可能用作发电机使用,回送电力进入供电系统,这个过程一般称为“再生制动”。 2、The locomotive is a railway vehicle that provides the motive power for a train, and has no payload capacity of its own; its sole purpose is to move the train along the track. 译:机车是为列车提供驱动力的一种铁路车辆,其自身没有有效负载能力,其唯一的功能是给列车提供动力,使其快速运转起来。 3、The engine rotates the drive shaft at up to 1,000 rpm and this drives the various items needed to power the locomotive. 译:柴油机可以多至1000转/分钟的转速带动驱动轴旋转,从而满足机车各种不同牵引功率的需求。 4、Whatever the arrangement, a modern locomotive has a complex air management system which monitors the temperature of the various rotating machines in the locomotive and adjusts the flow of air accordingly. 译:无论何种布置,现代机车中都有一个复杂的空气控制系统以监控机车上各种运转机器的温度,据此调节其气流。 5、The air for cooling the locomotives motors is drawn in from the outside of the locomotive. It has to be filtered to remove dust and other impurities and its flow regulated by temperature, both inside and outside the locomotive. 译:冷却机车电动机的空气是从机车外部获得的,不论是机车内部还是外部的空气都必须过滤以去除灰尘和其他杂质,并根据温度调节其流量。 6、The main advantage of the turbocharger is that it gives more power with no increase in fuel costs because it uses exhaust gas as driver power. 译:涡轮增压器的主要优点是,不增加燃料消耗的情况下可以提供更多的能量,因为其使用废气作为驱动力。 7、To convert the AC output from the main alternator to DC, rectifiers are required. If the motors are DC, the output from the rectifiers is used directly. If the motors are AC, the DC output from the rectifiers is converted to 3-phase AC for the traction motors. 译:整流器用来把主交流发电机输出的交流电转变成直流电。如果机车采用的是直流电机,则整流器的输出可以直接使用;如果机车采用的是交流电机,则整流器的直流输出先要转换成三相交流电才能供交流电机使用。 8、One inverter per axle is more complicated, but the GE view is that individual axle control can provide the best tractive effort. If an inverter fails, the tractive effort for that axle is lost, but full tractive effort is still available th


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