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摘 要 汉字自产生之日到现在,已经有几千年历程,在这几千年的发展演变中,逐渐形成了以形声 字为主体的汉字体系,这主要取决于它在汉字系统中所占据的重要地位。本论文主要是对《说文 解字》中的耕韵同声符形声字进行系联,从字族的角度考察形声字声符表义的本质,并试图从所 系联的各组字族中总结出耕韵字字族的特点。 本论文分为六部分。绪论,说明字族的概念及研究耕韵字族的目的、意义、方法,并对汉字 字族的研究进行综述;第一章,在阐明形声字及汉字字族形成过程的基础上,说明汉字字族和形 声字的关系;第二章,在前文理论的支撑和指导下,对《说文解字》中的耕韵字所包括的 274 个 形声字进行系联,逐个进行分析;第三章,基于第二章分析的结论,根据字族内义核与声符字所 表词义的关系对耕韵字字族进行分类;第四章,主要探讨耕韵字字族的特点;结论。 关键词:说文解字;耕韵;字族;母文;孳乳 Ⅱ The Study on the Character Families in Geng Yun in Shuo Wen Jie Zi Xu Yunyun (Chinese language and character ) Directed by Cai Yonggui Abstract Chinese characters from the date to the present,had already passed through several thousands years. In these several thousand years development and evolution, Chinese characters has been gradually formed the pictophonetic characters as the main body Chinese character system.This is mainly decided in it occupying important position in Chinese character system. The thesis mainly to associate the same phonetic complement of pictophonetic characters in “geng” yun in Shuo Wen Jie Zi, inspect the phonetic complements ideographic essence of the pictophonetic character from the perspective of character family, and attempt to summarize the characteristics of Chinese character family from groups of the character families. The thesis is composed of sixth chapters: The introduction, its main contents include three aspects. The first is to introduce the character families. The second is to point out the studying purpose and means. The third is to briefly review the history of the study of the character families o


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