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Part V (Paras.13-14) Whats wrong with ideology? What is ideology? Ideology is not reality. It is an abstraction from reality. In other words, ideology leaves out part of reality in order to form a simplified picture or model. The earlier definition of the author stresses the composition and characteristic of ideology: a set of systematic, detailed, comprehensive and dogmatic principles. The current definition deals with the relationship between these principles and reality. There is nothing wrong with abstraction or models per se…. Pay attention to the way the author argues. When you put forward an argument, you should be objective in opinion. Don’t leave any loopholes(漏洞)for the opponent to pick. By saying “there is nothing wrong with abstraction…”, the author preempts(先发制人) objections raised by critics. After defining ideology in terms of relations with reality, he immediately writes that “There is nothing wrong with abstractions or models per se.” 抽象观念或模式本身并没有错. 事实上, 没有它们, 我们就不可能进行讨论. The ideological fallacy is to forget … itself: paraphrase: The mistake of ideologist is to take ideology for reality itself, forgetting that it is only a theoretical summary of certain part of reality. fallacy: a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning e.g. This is a statement based on fallacy. 这是一项基于谬误推理之声明。 The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity.这谬论的荒诞性已被充分揭露。 Para.14 The besetting sin of the ideologist, in short, is to confuse his own tidy models with the vast, turbulent , unpredictable, and untidy reality which is the stuff of human experience. ….. Question1: Does the author really think the ideologist has committed a sin? Answer 1: No, he uses this word in a humorous way, meaning fault or bad habit. tidy: neat, arranged in an orderly, clear-cut way. The author contrasts the tidy models with the vast, turbulent, unpredictable and untidy reality. Question2: Why is reality unpredictable, untidy? Answer 2: Actual development in reality does n


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