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摘 要 本文通过分析招标人、中介代理机构、投标人、评标委员会、政府的行为及政府职能在工程建设招标投标中对工程建设影响,采用搜集整理资料文献、调查研究的方法,依据《招标投标法》、《建筑法》等工程建设相关法律法规,结合工程案例,把招投标整个过程的招标、投标、竞标、评标阶段所涉及的诸多问题毕竟问题进行归纳、分类,然后对这些问题进行分析研究,最后提出应对措施。结果显示,招投标存在很多问题,例如“暗箱操作”、“串标”、“围标”等现象。问题原因有自身认识不足,或者为了自己的私欲,或者法律、规范的不完善,或者出于无奈迎合上级等。也正是这些原因造成了我国工程招标投标过程中营私舞弊等违法违规现象屡禁不止的现状。 因此,改变招投标现状,解决招投标中出现的问题可以从两方面出发:第一,要完善我国法律、法规及规范,加大惩罚力度,规范参与主体行为。合理解决政府中介代理机构和评标专家库的管理混乱问题;第二,要加强相关知识的教育,让参与主体自身认识招投标需要一个公平、公正、公开的环境,要自我检省,自我约束。改进传统招标方法的不足,推广无标底招标,建立新的企业评价模型,把国外模糊综合评判的思想引进我国工程建设招投标中。 关键字:串标;黑白合同;无标底招标;挂靠资质 Abstract The research analysis influences from behaviors of the tender person, agency organization, the bidder, the bid evaluation committee, government and government functions in the bidding of construction projects on the construction, by using the methods to collect literature and survey research it , in accordance with Public Bidding Law, Construction Law and other relevant laws and regulations for construction projects, contacting engineering cases, summarize, classify, problems involved the tender of the entire process, tender, bidding, in the bid evaluation stage, after all, and then on the basis of the analysis of these issues to propose response measures. The results showed that the bidding for a lot of problems, such as the phenomenon of the secret operations, string marked, bidding riggingand so on phenomenas. The reasons of the problems for their own understanding, or to their own desires, or the law, norms is imperfect or out of frustration to cater to a boss level man. It is for these reasons that caused the status of the project bidding process malpractices such as illegal phenomenon of repeated phenomenons . Therefore, to change the status of the bidding, to solve the problems in the bidding,it can be two ways of departure: First, we must improve our laws,regulations and norms, and increase the punishment, govern behaviors of main participation. Reasonably solve management confusion problem from the government to agency orga


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