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船务英语会话手册 港务用语---Harbor Service 代理用语---Agency Harbor Service ---港务 Arrangement 安排 Have you any information for entry? 有关于船舶进港的信息吗? Have you some arrangement about our ship? 对我们的船舶您有什么安排吗? Your ship failed to enter owing to another ship still berthing alongside Wharf No 5. 由于另一条船舶仍靠泊在5号泊位,所以你方船舶(暂时)不能进港。 According to our arrangement, your ship will heave up anchor and proceed to berth for loading the day after tomorrow. 按照我们的安排,你方船舶应于后天起锚抵泊装货。 They are for Singapore, but transshipped at Hong Kong. 这些货目的港为新加坡,在香港中转。 Wait a moment, I am looking at cargo plan first. 请等一下,我正在看船图。 Do you work day and night? / 24 –hour round? 你们24小时工作制吗? When will the workers change shift? 工人什么时候交班? In how many shifts will the stevedores work and what are their meal hours? 装卸工需要工作几个班,他们的就餐时间是几点? In your present position you will be aground at low water. You had better turn back to anchorage. 目前情况下,由于低潮船舶将搁浅,你们必须回至锚地。 Preparation for Loading and Discharging 装卸准备 We tendered the Notice of readiness yesterday. 我们昨天发出装卸就绪通知书。 There are some dangerous goods, please handle them with care. 船上有很多危险品,装卸时请予以小心。 Please load the cargo according to this plan. 请按照装货图装船。 Have you any transshipment cargo on board? 船上有中转货吗? Holds No 2 is our main hold, please send more hands there. 2号舱是我们的重点舱,请多派点人手。 Please tell me before-hand the time you intend to start loading. 请提前通知我方你们打算开始装船的时间。 Water tight test has been passed. 水密试验已经通过。 Opening and Closing the Hatches 开关舱 Please look around to make sure no one is in the hold. 请环顾四周,确保舱内无人。 What time was the first opening and the final closing of hatches? 开始开舱和最后关舱的时间分别是多少? According to the customs of the port, the work of opening and closing Macgregor hatch cover is done by the ship. 按照码头的惯例,开、关麦氏舱盖的工作由船方执行。 During Loading and Discharging 装卸过程中 When shall we start loading? 我们什么时候开始装货? Please tell the workers to shift the lighters aft a little. 请通知工人将驳船向后移一点。 All you need to do is to haul taut the head lines a bit. 你们需要做的就是把头缆拉紧一点。 You mustn’t do that way. Will you b


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