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Unit 3;~ (on) sth: do sth that is against your principles or does not reach standards that you have set 违背(原则);达不到(标准) Eg. I cannot compromise my principles. We will never compromise on safety standards. ;Involved: adj 1) Be / get involved in sth 参与… 2) We need to examine all the costs involved in(与…有关;涉及) the project first. 3) Be involved ( in/with sth/sb): give a lot of time or attention to sb/sth 耗费很多时间;关注 Eg. She was deeply involved with the local hospital. ;Subtle: adj. not easy to notice or understand Eg. There are subtle differences in meaning between these two words.;mutual: Eg. mutual trust 相互的信任 mutual respect 相互的尊重 give mutual support and encouragement相互支持和鼓励 mutual interests 共同的利益 They met each other through a mutual friend. ;Compatible: adj. ~ (with sb/sth) Eg. I have never seen two people who were more compatible. I would like to purchase a printer that is compatible with my computer. Water is incompatible with fire. ;Overlook: vt Fail to see or notice sth Eg. You have overlooked several mistakes in this work. ignore; neglect: vt. 忽视; 不予理会 (pay no attention to sth) 2) Have a view of a place from above Eg. a tower overlooking the city Oversee: vt. 1.监视;监督; 2. 眺望,俯瞰 ;Be divorced from sth: appear not to be affected by sth; separate from sth不受…影响;脱离 Eg. He seems completely divorced from reality. ;Counsel: n. advice Eg. follow sb’s counsel 2) vt. give sb. advice ~ sb to do sth Eg. We counsel him to give up the plan. Counsel: n. 律师 Counselor: n. 顾问;律师 Lawyer: n. 律师 Attorney: n. 律师 solicitor: n. 初级律师;Subsequent: adj. happening after sth else; later Eg. Subsequent investigations did not uncover any new evidence. Subsequently: adv. afterwards Eg. He escaped from prison but was subsequently recaptured. A man with a small knife tried to hijack a plane to Libya Sunday night but was overpowered by flight attendants and subsequently arrested. (From Time) ;The old school was sold and subsequentl



liangyuehong + 关注


