131 烧伤外科学专业实践能力(国外英文资料).doc

131 烧伤外科学专业实践能力(国外英文资料).doc

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131 烧伤外科学专业实践能力(国外英文资料)

131 烧伤外科学专业实践能力(国外英文资料) The chapter exercises The main menu test professional practice ability practice ability of burn surgery A, A type questions: each test A, B, C, D under the title, E five answers. Please choose the best answer from the corresponding letter card, and the corresponding number in the answer will be the black box. 1. burn patients, weight 50kg, I degree burn area 10%, second 30%, third degree 20%, according to the Evans formula, the first day after injury, 8 hours before the internal compensation crystal and colloid solution for A. colloidal crystal 900ml, 900ml B. colloidal crystal 1880ml, 630m C. colloidal crystal 1250ml, 1250ml D. colloidal crystal 1000ml, 1000ml E. colloidal crystal 940ml, 940ml Display answer: C 2. which of the following does not belong to the category of permanent wound covering A.Integra B.A110derm C. autologous epidermal cell membrane D. composite skin E.DuOderm Display answer: E Two, A3 type questions: the following provides several cases, each case if the road test. Please answer according to the information provided, choose the best answer to every question in the following A, B, C, D, E five answers, and the corresponding letter on the answer card, the corresponding number of the black box. (1 ~ 5 common questions) Male, 33 years old, weight 70kg, miners, gas explosion burn of face and neck (except the head), upper limbs, lower limbs (except the hips) deep burn, 2 hours after injury to the hospital 1. of the patients with burn area A.60% B.62% C.65% D.68% E.59% 2. injured in the first 24 hours after transfusion A.8000ml B.6825ml C.4550ml D.8825ml E.7860ml 3. except burn, also should be considered A. fracture B. traumatic brain injury C. inhalation injury D. rupture of spleen E.CO poisoning 4. wound treatment should be A. bandaging method B. exposure therapy C. wet compress therapy D. immersion therapy E. external Zuzhuanmifang 5. the first operation should be considered A. facial B. hands C. double upper limbs D. doub


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