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2012高考化学二轮测试元素及其化合物doc(国外英文资料) Comprehensive evaluation of the three elements and their compounds (time: 90 minutes Full Score: 100 points) Volume 1 choice A choice (this includes 16 items, each item of 3 points, a total of 48 points) Color change 1. adds charm riotous with colour chemical reaction, the color of the description is correct () The new system was for a long time, the disappearance of pale yellow green; starch solution in iodine, blue; the silver light decomposition, silver white; the Na2CO3 solution added to the phenolphthalein red; egg white solution in concentrated nitric acid, yellow; adding sodium sulfide crystal and silver iodide in suspension, the oscillation after the black A. the B. 3 4 5 2 4 5 6 4 5 6 D. C. II. 1 3 4 5 6 2. to show that (NH4) 2Fe (SO4) 2 - 6H2O (ammonium ferrous sulfate crystal) composition containing NH, SO and H2O, Fe2 +, the following experimental narrative is not correct () A. take a small amount of ammonium ferrous sulfate crystal in a test tube, heating tube, and liquid generated, it can be proved that contains water of crystallization crystal components B. take a suitable amount of ammonium ferrous sulfate crystals dissolved in water, shallow green solution, 2 drops of KSCN solution. The solution is not significant blood red, and then a few drops of new water, the solution becomes blood red, it can be proved that the crystal composition containing Fe2 + C. take a suitable amount of ammonium ferrous sulfate crystals dissolve in water, add a small amount of hydrochloric acid, no phenomenon, and then a few drops of BaCl2 solution, a white precipitate is generated, it can be proved that the crystal composition containing SO D. take a small amount of ammonium ferrous sulfate crystal in a test tube, and the concentrated NaOH solution, heating tube mouth wet blue litmus paper turns red, it can be proved that the crystal composition containing NH 3. (2010 Shandong science, 13) the following inference is correct () A.SiO2 is aci


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