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ARM常用指令(国外英文资料) Commonly used ARM instruction One, data transfer instructions 1, mov instruction (format: mov { cond) Operation: Rd = op; 2, MVN command Format: MVN { cond, } {s}, Rd Operation: Rd = ~ op; Second, arithmetic instructions Add instructions Format: add { cond, } {s} Rd, Rn, op Operation: Rd = Rn + op; Adc takes the carry add instruction Format: adc { cond, } {s} Rd, Rn, op Operation: Rd = Rn + op + C; Subsubtraction instructions Format: sub { cond } {s} Rd, Rn, op Operation: Rd = Rn - op; 4, SBC takes the borrowing subtraction instruction Format: SBC { cond, } {s} Rd, Rn, op Operation: Rd = Rn - op (~ C); The RSB subtraction instruction Format: RSB { cond Operations: Rd = op-rn; The reverse subtraction instruction of the RSC Format: RSC { cond } {s} Rd, Rn, op Operation: Rd = op - Rn - (~ C); Third, shift 1, op Number: # number / / # label Register: Rm Register shift: Rm, shift character # number or Rm, shift character Rs Example: mov r0, # 100 / / r0 = 100 Mov r0, r1 over r0 = r1 Mov r0, r1, LSR # 1 / r0 = r1, , 1 Mov r0, r1, LSR r2 over r0 = r1, , r2 Add r0, r1, r2, LSR # 1 over r0 = r1 + r2 1 2, shift operator LSL logic left (unsigned) x y Note: no sign left to remove 0 LSR logic right (unsigned) x y Description: no sign to the right Asl arithmetic left (signed) x y Note: there are signs left to add 0 Note: logical left and arithmetic left results are the same Student: asr arithmetic to the right (signed) x y Note: there is a sign to the right, a positive, a negative, a negative The ror cycle is going to be right (unsigned) x . Explanation: x logic moves y | x logic left (32-y) The RRX extension is moving to the right (C unsigned) x 1) Note: the equivalent of 33 cycles to the right Note: no y, only one Logical instructions And logic and instructions Format: and { cond Operations: Rd = Rn op; ORR logic or instruction Format: ORR { cond, } {s} Rd, Rn, op Operations: Rd = Rn | op; Eor logic or instruction Format: eor { cond,


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