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《城市道路设计规范》CJJ37—90(国外英文资料) 2.1.2? In addition to the express road, each type of road is divided into I, II, and III according to the scale of the city, the design of traffic, and the terrain. Large cities should adopt i-level standards in all kinds of roads; Secondary cities shall adopt the II standard; Small cities should adopt class III standards. In case of special circumstances, the technical and economic arguments shall be made for the approval of the planning and approval department. 2.2.1? The rules for calculating the driving speed are shown in table 2.2.1. There are special difficulties in the reconstruction of old roads, such as high street, cultural street, etc. It is reasonable to calculate the speed of driving, but it is reasonable to consider the safety of driving at night. Against 2.4.1? The urban road building limit is shown in figure 2.4.1. The Angle width should be the same as the width of the road. The minimum level is shown in table 2.4.1. No object is allowed in the building limit. ? ? 2.5.1? The length of the design of road traffic to saturation state is as follows: the fast road, the main road is 20a, the secondary road is 15a; Branch for 10 ~ 15 a. (representative) 2.5.2? The design age of the road structure to the critical state is as follows: Bituminous concrete pavement, asphalt pavement and asphalt concrete pavement of 15a. 10a can be used when building asphalt concrete and other advanced pavement. The surface of asphalt is treated as 8a. The road surface is 5a. 2.8.1? The road works and important ancillary structures of the earthquake zone shall be fortified against the strength of the area under the state regulations. 4.3.2? The expressway should be set in the middle and no double yellow line should be adopted. 4.5.2? The width of the side band is determined as follows: The width of the pavement must satisfy the safety and smoothness of pedestrian crossing. 5.1.3? The radius of the curve of the path should be greater than or equal to th


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