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天然气管道输送(国外英文资料) Natural gas is a mixture of combustible and incombustible gases. Low molecular saturated hydrocarbons are given priority. Three gas standard: 1. International conference on measurement protocol: temperature 273.15 K (0 ℃), the pressure of 101.325 KPa 2 gb of organization and the United States: the temperature 288.15 K (15 ℃), the pressure of 101.325 KPa T = T + 273.15 K 3 standard of our country state: temperature 293.15 K (20 ℃), the pressure of 101.325 KPa In standard state, the mass of 1Kmol gas is defined as the average molecular weight of natural gas, or molecular weight Any gas when the temperature is lower than a certain value can be isothermal compression into liquid, but when higher than the temperature, no matter how big pressure increases to, can make the gas liquefaction. This limit temperature, which compresses gas into a liquid, is called the critical temperature of the gas. When the temperature is equal to the critical temperature, the pressure to compress the gas into the liquid is called the critical pressure, which is called the critical state. The temperature, pressure and density in the critical state of gas are called critical temperature, critical pressure and critical density. The pressure, temperature, density of natural gas, the critical pressure, the critical temperature, and the critical density ratio are called natural gas contrast pressure, contrast temperature and contrast density. Express contractible pressure of the gas pressure P, density rho (or molar volume V) and temperature equation of the relation between T called for 1 mol, the ideal gas state equation and state equation expressed by the following brief relationship: P/rho = RT or PV = RT type R - gas constant, 8.314 KJ/Kmol? (K) The two hypotheses for the equation of state are: one molecule is a particle and two molecules have no interaction For an ideal gas, you have P = rho-r-t in all states. For the actual gas, we introduce a correction factor to make the P


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