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生物高二复习(国外英文资料) The composition and association of the internal environment Composition: internal environment = plasma + tissue fluid + lymph (etc.) 2. Contact: Exam 1: judgement of the environment composition (P9: training 1) The function of the internal environment: the medium of exchange of matter between cells and the outside environment (see chart 2). The inner environment is the medium of exchange of matter between the cells and the outside world (1) : 30) Third, homeostasis (relative stability, dynamic balance) Steady state content 1) ingredients (in plasma) = water + protein + inorganic salt + other (Portuguese, hormone, waste, etc.) The main difference between the three types of extracellular fluid is that the plasma contains more protein 2) the physical and chemical properties Osmotic pressure (the concentration) - inorganic salt + protein (90% from NaCl) PH (near neutral) - buffer pairs (mainly H2CO3 / HCO3 -) (3) temperature (37 ℃ or so) Test point 3: the main difference between the three types of extracellular fluid components (P4:1) Test point 4: osmotic pressure and pH steady state (gold P8:1, 4) Test point 5: tissue edema ((1) P91:6) Summary: the cause of histosis (edema) An increase in the osmotic pressure of a tissue (e.g., excess metabolic waste) B plasma osmotic pressure reduction (mainly due to decreased plasma protein) C lymphatic reflux is blocked The steady-state mechanism: the neuro-humoral control network Regulation principle: mainly negative feedback Ability to regulate: limit (steady state) The state of the environment is a necessary condition for normal life activities Test point 6: steady state disorder (P7: canonical example 2) Test point 7: steady state adjustment mechanism Test point 8: the film problem (P3: the canonical example 1, the knowledge energy (1) P91:7) Section 2 focuses on the induction of the key points One, the conduction of excitation on nerve fiber Get excited 1) static potential performance: internal and external po


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