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生物酶分解剂技术原理(二)(国外英文资料) (1) overview of basic principles: The first thing to understand is that pure cellulosic material can be easily degraded to glucose by cellulase preparations, and there is no doubt that the already mature degradation technologies are available. Unfortunately does not exist in the nature with pure cellulose material, but there are cellulose and lignin and hemicellulose, pectin and other large molecules around each other, mutual coexistence of things such as straw is a kind of material, pure cellulose content is large occupy in the straw, and lignin, but they hemicellulose, pectin and other substances through hydrogen bonds, carbon oxygen bond, and in different parts of the molecular chain in different directions, and no rules are connected to each other, mutual winding, it is cut constantly tangled. Straw is not fully utilized because scientists have not found a simple and efficient way to separate them. Having solved this problem has solved all the problems. If they can be completely separated, not only pure cellulose itself can be completely degraded, and hemicellulose, lignin and other enzymes can also be in the role of the corresponding enzyme, a better degradation. Is there a way to cut the Gordian knot once and for all, as they will swoop apart? Of course, such as paper mills, the production of pulp and the use of straw to produce furfural factories, but that is a high temperature, high pressure method of strengthening acid, not applicable to aquaculture. In the aquaculture industry, and have to rely on other wisdom and method of straw utilization in monogastric animal, but not cut the Gordian knot knife successful method, it is a kind of patience, with rational science; bacteria and enzyme combination; reasonable combination of physical and chemical pretreatment method. Next, we have selected a number of mature techniques to select a suitable method for the breeding industry to form a new set of solutions for single stomach animals. (2) p


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