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24 1 Vol1 24 No1 1 2008 2 Journal of Lanzhou Comm ercial College Feb. , 2008 * 1 2 p 孙永 龙, 李 国庆 ( 1. 西北民族大学 经济管理学院, 甘肃兰州 7 00 0; 2. 唐山师范学院资源管理系, 河北唐山 06 000) : 目前大多数旅游景区经 权转让年限的安排缺乏科学依据, 在旅游景区经 权终止问题上也无明确规 定旅游景区生命周期和企业生命周期是确定旅游景区经 权转让年限必须考虑的两 个变量旅游景区生命周 期决定了投资者的获利期限, 企业生命周期决定了一个企业能够开发和经 旅游景区的最长时间另外, 参照新 5物权法6 对土地使用权转让做出的新规定, 旅游景区经 权受让企业应拥有经 期间景区内建造设施的所有权, 而且续期的权利也应得到法律的保障 : 旅游景区经 权; 转让年限; 完善 : F590. 6 : A : 1004-5465( 2008) 01- 115-04 I m proving the Y ears of M anagem en t R igh ts T ran sfer of T ourist A reas 1 2 S UN Yong - long , L I Guo - q ing ( 1. College of Econom ics and M anagement, Northw estUn iversity forNationalities, Lanzhou 7 00 0; 2. The Department ofR esourceM anagem ent, Tangshan Teachers College, T angshan 06 000, Ch ina) A bstract: A t present, most of the arranging about the years ofmanagement rights transfer of tourist areas lacks of scientific evidence, and the problem of end ing management rights of tourist areas also has not been stated explicitly. While defin ing the years of managem ent rights of tourist areas w e should consider the tw o variableswh ich are tourist area life cycle and enterprise life cycle, because tourist area life cycle determ ines an investor. s deadline ofmak ing a profit, and enterprise life cycle determ ines the longest tmi e that an enterprise can develop andmanagement tourist areas. Moreover, referring the new regulations a- bo


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