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Making Correct and Effective Sentences 1.五种基本句型   英文句子的直接成分是主语和谓语,构成主语的名词词组在结构上比较单一,而构成谓语的动词词组在结构上却多种多样,它们可以由单独一个动词独立构成,也可以是带有宾语或补语的动词。谓语动词的类别决定着不同的谓语结构,而不同的谓语结构又决定着不同的句型。英语的基本句型主要有五种:   1) S+V (主语+谓语动词) 例如: |The telephone| |rang|.       S   V |The train| |will soon be arriving|.   S      V  (此类句型也称为主谓结构。)   2) S+V+P (主语+谓语动词+表语) 例如: |Mr. Brown| |is| |a detective|.      S   V   P |Her plan| |sounds| |perfect|.   S   V    P   (此类句型也称为系表结构。)   3) S+V+O (主语+谓语动词+宾语) 例如: |She| |opened| |the windows|.    S  V    O |I| |have been looking for| |my lost bicycle|. ?S     V       O   (此类句型也称为动宾结构。)   4) S+V+Oi+Od (主语+谓语动词+间接宾语+直接宾语) 例如: |She| |sent| |him| |a telegram|.    S  V  Oi   Od |Mrs.Blake| |bought| |her husband| |a tie|.   S    V    Oi   Od   (此类句型也称为双宾语结构。)   5) S+V+O+C (主语+谓语动词+宾语+补语) 例如: |The jury| |finds| |him| |guilty|.     S   V  O   C |They| |have elected| |her| |president|.  S    V   O   C   (此类句型也称为复合宾语结构。)   注:英文句子中还有一种表示存在的There+be+S结构。例如:   There is a map on the wall.   There seems to be no doubt about it.   (此类句型也称为带引导词 there 结构。) 2、两大句子种类   句子按其语法功能和交际功能可以分为两大类: A:按其语法功能分类的句子有三种:   1) 简单句:只包含一个主谓结构的句子。例如:   He died.   Jane didnt come to my birthday party.   2) 并列句: 用并列连词把两个或两个以上简单句连接在一起的句子。例如:   John will sing in the party and Mary will dance.   I want to go with you, but Im not a member of the club.   常见的并列连词有: and, or, but, both...and, either...or,neither. ..nor, not only...but (also), as well as, more than;   3) 复合句:用从属连词等连接主句和从句的句子。例如:   Jane and Susan were great friends when they were at school.   What impressed us most was his skill and knowledge.   常见的从属连词有: after, although, as, because, before,if,lest, once, since, that, till, until, when, where, whereby, whereupon, whether, while;   关系代词 who, whom, whose, which, that 和关系副词 when, where, why, how 等也可以担任从属连词;   一些搭配也可以担任从属连词, 例如: as far as, as if, as long as, as soon as, as though, except that, for all that, for fear that, in case, in order that, in that, no matter who (how/when/where), now (th


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