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笔记符号 同传译

一、图形符号 二、人体行为符号 三、标点符号 四、数学符号 五、中文符号 六、谐音符号;;citizen, urban residents / inhabitants;多国,其他国家 other countries;进口 import;经济实体 economic entity,economist;宏观调控,macro-control;3. 主要 main, chief, primary, major, dominant, overwhelming ;5. 强调 emphasize, focus, underline, underscore stress, highlight, spotlight, accentuate focus on, lay emphasis/stress on attach importance to, pay attention to ;特点,特色,特征 mark, feature, character, symbol, sign, characteristic, speciality peculiarity, attribute;整体,全部,总共 whole, all, total, entire, complete, overall general, universal, integral, gross, intact,on the whole, all in all;主权和领土完整 sovereignty and territorial integrity;∞ ;双边关系,bilateral relationship;⊕;2. 形成,产生,出现 establish, found, create, appear, emerge, occur, come out, break out, come into being / existence ;禁止,结束 end, conclude, complete, cease, stop, close, terminate, expire, halt, over, pause, turn off, switch off, break up make an end of, bring to an end, bring to a conclusion;歪曲 twist, distortion of fact;台阶,进步 step by step, progress, advance make progress;前所未有的,unprecedented;果实,成果 fruit, result, accomplishment achievement;4. 倒闭,下岗 bankrupt, lay off, resign, retire;;开罗宣言,Cairo Manifesto;改革开放 reform and opening up;:;←;去,到 go 引起,导致,为了 result in, lead to;↓;推动,促进;有助于;推断出 promote, strengthen, encourage stimulate, facilitate, reinforce strive, push, urge, stir, force accelerate, drive, prompt, propel give impetus to, carry forward;↗;压力,影响,压强 pressure, burden, load, stress, impact, influence, effect, affect exert influence on, have effect on;…;3. 信息点的弱化 ;﹗;﹖;“ ”;﹙﹚;∵;﹢;÷;≠;<;∑;√;文;力;(二)偏旁部首;组织 organize, structure, tissue;疾病 illness, disease, ailment, sick;fu;﹟;七. 化学符号;八. 生物符号;九. 地图标识;十. 英文符号;e;I;p;r;s;t;u;(二)英文小写缩略;com;ins;nu;gym;en;(三)英文大写缩略;DPRK;LR;PE;组织缩略国家地区缩略;APEC;IMF;HK;BJ;(四)单词;(五)音标;十一. 货币符号;十二. 其它符号;现行政策 ;≡;十三. 关联词/路标词;if


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