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英语四六级翻译 1. 中国人对玉(jade) —向有着特殊的尊爱之情,从而延伸发展出一种优秀而古老的玉石文化。作为配饰供人赏玩是玉器的原始功能之一,也是玉器最广泛的一种用途。玉器作为一种文物,它也是历史的见证,有着不可复制的唯一性,更为当今世人所器重。玉器从一种美化生活的装饰品,到简单的生产工具,然后被融入各种礼节(ritual)内容,被人格化、道德化,继而被看成是财富的象征、宗教图 腾(totem)的崇拜……这些无不反映出中国传统文化和中华民族爱玉的心理。 Chinese people always show special respect and love for jade, thus deriving and excellent andancient jade culture. Being used for decoration and admiration is one of the originalfunctions of jade, and is also the most widely used one. As a cultural relic,jade is also thewitness of history,the uniqueness of which cannot be copied,making it valued more bypeople around the world today. From ornaments that beautify our life,to simple instrument ofproduction, and then being integrated into a variety of rituals, jade has been personified,moralized and further regarded as a symbol of wealth and worship for religious totems...All ofthese reflect Chinese traditional culture and Chinese people s love for jade. 1.延伸发展出:即“衍生出”,翻译时可以使用derive—词来表达。 2.配饰供人赏玩:“配饰”可译为decoration, “赏玩”可译为admiration。 3.历史的见证:可译为the witness of history。 4.美化生活的装饰品:可译为ornaments that beautify our life。 5.融入:可译为integrate into或blend into。 6.被人格化、道德化:可译为be personified and moralized。 7.宗教图腾的崇拜:可译为worship for religioiis totems。 8.反映出:可译为reflect,或者使用mirror—词来表达。 2.当来中国的游客发现一桌标准的8人晚宴有4道凉菜、4道热菜,并配以汤和米饭时,他们往往会感到惊讶。一桌标准的宴席(banquet)包括4~8道准备好的凉菜,8道热菜—每次只上1道热菜,以及2-4道观赏大菜(whole-sized showpiece dish)。同坐一张桌子的人互相敬酒时通常会“干杯(Gan Bei)”。“干杯”是指举起酒杯,将酒全部喝完,让玻璃杯或酒杯“连最后一滴也干了”。人们干杯时传递给别 人的信息是:自己是真诚、快乐的。向主人敬酒时,国人更愿意接受的方式是喝一小口而不是喝干整杯 Visitors to China are often surprised when a standard dinner for a table of eight people consistsof four courses of cold dishes and four courses of hot dishes,coupled with soup and steamedrice. A standard banquet consists of four to eight prepared cold dishes, eight hot dishesserved one at a time, and two to four whole-sized showpiece dishes. People at a table usually“Gan Bei when toasting to each other. “Gan Bei” means to raise ones wine glass and drink it allthe way dow


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