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什么是黄金标准? What is the Gold Standard? Michael Schlup, Director, The Gold Standard Intitial Capacity Building Workshops In collaboration with REEEP, WWF and IT Power August 2006 Beijing, China 我们的任务…… Our Mission… 黄金标准是针对项目开发过程设计的独立、 国际化、并具有良好实用性的方法,以帮助项目 产生高质量的碳信用额。它是CDM, JI 和自愿减排 市场所需的基准方法:环境完整性和对于可持续 发展的实际贡献是其核心。 “The Gold Standard is an independently audited, globally applicable best practice methodology for project development that delivers high quality carbon credits of premium value. It is the benchmark CDM, JI and voluntary projects need: Environmental integrity and true contribution to sustainable development are at its heart.” 这意味着什么呢? …and what it means Gold Standard projects are ... 黄金标准的项目…… • better designed than others -- more valuable • 具有更好的设计——更有价值 • good for the local population - because they deliver more than reductions • 有益于当地公众——项目在产生减排量之外,还具 有其他效益 • good for the climate - because reductions are real • 有益于气候变化——减排量是真实可靠的 == with Gold Standard, everybody wins! Who we are… ? 宣传理念:Providing the concept: • 标识和市场可见度 Label and market visibility • 保证质量的唯一基准方法 the only independent benchmark for quality 机构: Organisation: • 非营利基金会-无经济利益=独立性 Non-profit foundation - no financial interest = independence • 管理组织 Governance structure: • 40余个NGO支持者(SSN,WWF,……);理事会;技术顾问 委员会;管理人员 40+ NGO supporters (SSN, WWF, ... ); board; TAC; management …how we work • 项目通过第三方(指定的经营实体)进行评估 =更高的独立性 • Project assessment through 3rd parties („DOEs“) = more independence 项目支持 Project Support: • 技术支持 technical support • 概念营销-并非中介或买方 conceptual marketing - not a broker or buyer! 为什么是一流的市场?


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