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Term 术语 Definitions 定义解说 Active equipment 有源设备 Equipment which shall perform a mechanical motion as part of its safety-related function. 作为安全相关功能的一部分,进行机械运动的设备。 Aging 老化 The effect of operation, environmental and system conditions on equipment during a period of time up to, but not including design basis events, or the process of simulating these events. 经过一段时间的使用,设备在环境整体影响下的变化,不包括设备本身基本设计方面的变化。 Component 组件 Discrete items from which the equipment is assembled. 组装成设备的离散型零件。 Cutoff Frequency 截止频率;切截频率 The frequency in the response spectrum where the zero period acceleration asymptote begins. This is the frequency beyond which single degree of freedom oscillators exhibit no amplification of motion, and indicates the upper limit of the frequency content of the waveform being analyzed. 频率响应谱中的零期渐近开始加速。截止频率是单个自由振荡器在没有继续提速征兆情况下的频数,代表了受分析的波形曲线的上限频率。 Damping阻尼器 An energy dissipation mechanism that reduces the amplification and broadens the vibratory response in the region of response. Damping is usually expressed as a percentage of critical damping. Critical damping is defined as the least amount of viscous damping that causes a single degree-of-freedom system to return to its original position without oscillation after initial disturbance. 一种耗减运动能量的装置,通过降低扩增和拓宽振动响应区域来吸能减震。阻尼器的值域通常用临界阻尼的百分比表示。在第一次受力后,来自阻尼器的阻力使振动物流刚能不作周期性振动便能最快地回到平衡职位的情况,称为临界阻尼。 Design Basis Accident (DBA)设计基准事故 Those plant conditions resulting from various postulated equipment and piping failures during which safety-related equipment shall operate without impairment of the safety- related function in a harsh environment. A design basis accident is a subset of a design basis event. 在恶劣的环境中,由于各种设备和管道的非安全设计及操作引发的工厂事故工况。设计基准事故是设计基准事变的一种。 Design Basis Event (DBE) 设计基准事件 Any of the events specified in the station’s safety analysis that are used to establish the acceptable performance for safety-related functions: events include anticipated transients, design basis accidents, external event


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