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隧道工程 tunnel engineering 隧道 tunnel 铁路隧道 ;铁道隧道 railway tunnel 公路隧道 highway tunnel 地铁隧道 subway tunnel; underground railway tunnel; metro tunnel 人行隧道 pedestrian tunnel 水工隧洞 ;输水隧道 hydraulic tunnel 山岭隧道 mountain tunnel 水下隧道 subaqueous tunnel 海底隧道 ;水下隧道 submarine tunnel; underwater tunnel 土质隧道 earth tunnel 岩石隧道 rock tunnel 浅埋隧道 shallow tunnel; shallow-depth tunnel; shallow burying tunnel 深埋隧道 deep tunnel; deep-depth tunnel; deep burying tunnel 偏压隧道 unsymmetrical loading tunnel 马蹄形隧道 ;拱形隧道 horse-shoe tunnel; arch tunnel 圆形隧道 circular tunnel 矩形隧道 rectangular section tunnel 大断面隧道 large cross-section tunnel 长隧道 long tunnel 双线隧道 twin-track tunnel; double track tunnel 曲线隧道 curved tunnel 明洞 open tunnel; opencut tunnel; tunnel without cover; gallery 隧道勘测 tunnel survey 超前探测 drift boring 工程地质勘测 ;工程地质勘探 engineering geological prospecting 隧道测量 tunnel survey 施工测量 construction survey 断面测量 section survey 隧道设计 tunnel design 隧道断面 tunnel section 安全系数 safety coefficient 隧道力学 tunnel mechanics 隧道结构 tunnel structure 隧道洞口设施 facilities of tunnel portal 边墙 side wall 拱顶 arch crown 拱圈 tunnel arch 仰拱 inverted arch 底板 base plate;floor 隧道埋深 depth of tunnel 隧道群 tunnel group 隧道施工 tunnel construction 隧道开挖 tunnel excavation 分部开挖 partial excavation 大断面开挖 large cross-section excavation 全断面开挖 full face tunnelling 开挖面 excavated surface 隧道施工方法 tunnel construction method 钻爆法 drilling and blasting method 新奥法 natm;new austrian tunnelling method 盾构法 shield driving method;shield method 顶进法 pipe jacking method;jack-in method 浅埋暗挖法 sallow buried-tunnelling method 明挖法 cut and cover tunneling;opencut method 地下连续墙法 underground diaphragm wall method;underground wall method 冻结法 freezing method 沉埋法 immersed tube method 管棚法 pipe-shed method 综合机械化掘进 comprehensive mechanized excavation 辅助坑道 auxiliary adit;service gallery 平行坑道 parallel adit 竖井 shaft 斜井 sloping shaft;inclined shaft 导坑 heading 衬砌工艺 lining process 喷锚 ;锚喷 anchor bolt spray;anchor bolt-spray 管段 tube section 接缝 joint 地层加固 reinforcing of natural ground 弃碴 ballast p


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