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小组编号 环化学院“小组讨论项目”研究计划课题 申 请 书 项 目 类 别 ______化学___________________ 项 目 名 称 ______危险化学品安全问题研究_______ 项 目 负 责 人 _______________________ 所 在 班 级_______________________ 填 表 日 期________2015.11.08_______________ 《化学工程控制及仪表》课程 项目摘要 中文摘要(500字以内): 众所周知,我国是化学品生产和使用的大国,但受生产力发展水平和从业人员素质等因素的制约和影响,在使用危险化学品时事故频发,安全形势非常严峻。概括地讲,危险化学品是指具有毒害、腐蚀、爆炸、燃烧、助燃等性质,对人体、设施、环境具有危害的剧毒化学品和其他化学品。这类化学品有相当一部分属于易燃易爆、有毒有害、具有腐蚀性或放射性的危险物品,在其使用过程中,如果处理不当或疏于管理,就很有可能对人类和环境造成危害。例如:2015年8月,天津滨海新区第五大街与跃进路交叉口的一处集装箱码头发生爆炸,发生爆炸的是集装箱内的易燃易爆物品。天津灾难带给人们的不仅是沉痛与哀思,更为我们敲响了化学安全的警钟。我们小组将为同学们分析一些典型化学安全事故案例,研究事故发生的原因,寻找有效的预防解决办法,以此 危险化学品;化学安全;研究 Abstract (limited to 500 words): The theme of the discussion is the problem of security in the study of chemistry.As we all know ,the accident in the study of chemistry is caused by irregular operation in productive process,leakage of transport storage and so on.The country’s indifference of chemistry security problem.The operation staff’s lack of security knowledge.Ordinary people’s not comprehend...... Under these circumstances ,the problems of chemistry security emerge in an endless stream.One and another one blood lesson sounded the alarm for us.As a student major in chemistry,whatever field we will study in,the problem of chemistry security should always take an important place in our hearts.This passage introduce the underground of our country’s chemistry security at first.Then make a few of examples to let people know the importance of chemistry security.Introduce some signal of hazardous chemicals,how to prevent the occurrence of danger things and the further solution of chemistry security problem.and the expectation to the future chemical enterprise.To study this program aims to increase people’s attention to chemistry security problem. No matter to do the chemistry study,transportation storage of chemicals or fire command.We all need steady chemistry knowledge to escort our life.Take the responsibility of the security of ourselves’ and other people’s


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