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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 2014年4月26日雅思A类大作文范文 2014年4月26号雅思大作文A类 People can work or study on the internet without going to school or company. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? (Words =333) 第一段: 【雅思机经】 1社会背景 +正向 /反向的观点 + 自己的观点 社会背景: 网络的普及在为人们提供了更加灵活的工作方式与学习 方式,也对其产生一定程度的影响与改变. 正向观点: 相当一部分人认为,在互联网的推动下,人们足不出户 可以完成学业以及工作任务. 自己观点: 我对此持有反向观点, 这样做法,会导致效率低下 以及不利于人们自身的发展 The popularization of the Internet furnishes people with flexible manners of working and studying as well as generates impacts and changes on them to some extent. A considerable portion of people deem that people can complete their studies and work tasks through the Internet without stepping out of their houses. Nevertheless, I hold opposite viewpoints that such practice can result in inefficiency and can go against the development of people themselves. =71 第二段:论点+论据+例证+结论 论点: 这种做法的明显的缺失——体现在——学习或工作效率的降低 论据: 不适合的环境——妨碍——人们的正常的学习或工作状态. 例证:很多人都有这样的经历 ,在家或者公共场所(不包括图书馆) ,在学习或工作的时候,往往由于缺乏监管和良好的氛围以及互联网络无 法抵制的诱惑力 ,无法专注 ,使得学习或者工作进展缓慢。 To begin with, a distinct limitation of such practice is reflected in low efficiency. In other words, unbefitting circumstances hamper people’s studying or working quality. For instance,numerous people have experience in having concentration difficulties when studying or working at home or in public places (excluding libraries) due to the absence of supervision and favorable atmospheres as well as the irresistible lure of the Internet, which renders slow progress of study and work. =73 第三段:论点+论据+例证 生活条件 【雅思最新考试动态】 论点: 另外一个不良的影响——体现在—不利于人们积极健康的发展 论据: 依靠网络而不融入集体中学习或工作——人们就无法获得良性发展 例证: 人们处于一种散漫的,放纵的自由 ,个体的环境中 ,去工作 和学习,会形成性格的孤僻 ,养成不规律的作息 ,缺乏与他人的合作与 沟通 ,从而会导致人与人之间冷漠与隔阂 ,人们变得迷茫 ,消极甚至堕 落。 Secondly, another undesirable impact is embodied in the constraint of people’s adequate development. Conspicuously, merely relying on the Internet inst


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