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2009.4 中国译协对外传播翻译委员会中译英研讨会最新讨论词汇选登 我们正确把握宏观调控的方向、重点、力度和节奏。 We maintained the right directian, focus, intensity and pace of macro control. 增强调控的预见性、针对性和有效性。 Make our macro control more proactive, targeted and effective. 及时把宏观调控的首要任务调整为 保持经济 平稳较快发展 , 控制物价过快上涨 。 We promptly shifted the priority of macro cantral to maintaining steady and rapid economic development and controlling price hikes. 按照出手要快 , 出拳要重 , 措施要准 , 工作要实 的要求… .. . In accordance with the requirement that we act fast, be forceful, take targeted measures and stress implementatian... 第三产业发展滞后 Development of tertiary industries has been slow. 我国经济社会发展的基本面和长期向好的趋势没有改变。 Neither the fundamentals of China’s economic and social deo velopment nor its positive long-term trend has changed. 一是扩内需、保增长 ; First, we must boost domestic demand to sustain economic growth; 二是调结构、上水平 ; Secand, we must adjust the structure to raise the level of economic development; 三是抓改革、增活力 ; Third, we must press ahead with reform to make the economy more vigorous; 四是重民生、促和谐。 Fourth, we must give top priority to ensuring people s wellbeing and promote social harmony. 要坚持灵活审慎的调控方针 , 提高宏观调控的 应变能力和实际效果 , 尽快扭转经济增速下滑趋势 , 保持经济平稳较快发展。 We need to adhere to a flexible and prudent control policy to make our macro control more effective and results-oriented. We will reverse the economic slowdown as soon as possible and maintain steady and relatively fast economic development. 做好 家电下乡 农机下乡 汽车、摩托车下 乡 等工作。 We will implement the programs for bringing to the countryside home appliances, agricultural machinery, and automobiles and motorbikes well. 政府投资必须用在应对危机最关键的地方 , 用 在经济社会发展的薄弱环节 , 绝不能用于一般加工工业。 We must channel government investment to areas where it best counteracts the global financial crisis and to weak areas in economic and social development. No government investment will be made in the processing industries. 落实好支持居民购买自住性和改善性住房的信贷、税收和其他政策。 We will effectively implement credit, tax and other policies to support peole in purchasing h



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