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Unit 5;Unit 5;Section B 1 1a-2e;Presentation;1b Listen and write short answers to the questions.;1c Listen again. Number the events [1-6] in the order they happened.;1d Talk about why Kate missed the school basketball competition. Student A begins a sentence with while or when. Student B completes the sentence.;A: When she got to the bus stop, Kate … B: When she got to the bus stop, Kate realized that her bag was still at home. A: While she was running back home, … B: While she was running back home, she saw a dog by the side of the road.;马丁·路德·金 (Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968) 是世界知名的美国民权运动领袖。在20世纪50~60年代,他为改善美国黑人的社会权利及地位做了大量的工作。作为黑人领袖,他赢得了美国各阶层人民的尊重和爱戴,为世界所关注,1964年荣获“诺贝尔和平奖”。;Do you know the “911” event that shocked the world? Now lets see the real scene of “911”:;误栽句彭髓征马裂跪娇旨舀诸瘦朋缸咐魁撼饭团矿厄邻弃邮玛疤帮窃斌混2014春人版_unit5what_were_you_doing_when_the_rainstorm_came_sectionB_12014春人版_unit5what_were_you_doing_when_the_rainstorm_came_sectionB_1;世界贸易中心(World Trade Center) 简称“世贸中心”,是一个由两座并立的塔式摩天楼(被称作“双子塔”)、四座办公楼和一座旅馆组成的建筑群,主体于1973年建成使用,曾以世界最高的双子塔闻名于世,是美国纽约的地标之一。2001年9月11日,世贸中心被恐怖分子用所劫持的民航班机撞毁,这就是举世震惊的“9·11事件”。;Read the words and expressions loudly.;passage pupil completely shocked silence in silence recently take down terrorist;date tower at first truth Animal Helpline World Trade Center;2a Look at the pictures and the title in the passage. What do you think the passage is about?;The title can be helpful for you to understand a text. It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read the whole text.;2b. Read the passage and answer the questions.;1. What are the two events in the passage? 2. When did they happen?;2c. Read the passage again. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F), or is the information not given (NG)?;___ 1. Everyone in America remembers who killed Dr. King. ___ 2. Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr. King was killed. ___ 3. Robert’s parents were shocked to hear


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