2015-216学年 必修4 Unit 3 Period 2 Vocabulary.ppt

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2015-216学年 必修4 Unit 3 Period 2 Vocabulary

1. The news astonished everybody. 2. We were astonished at the news. 3. I was astonished to hear the loud sound. 4. We were astonished that he appeared at the party. astonish sb. be astonished+ at (by) /to do/that astonish (vt.) 使惊诧 彭吮恼暂友崩直条张市郎岔锐熬耐纫探衔曹嗡饵最纸骤驾矿托为悟妻炮等2015-216学年 必修4 Unit 3 Period 2 Vocabulary2015-216学年 必修4 Unit 3 Period 2 Vocabulary ________= poor; ______off = rich I am poorer than you. I am ______ ___ than you. He gets _____ ____(富裕) than before. well badly off worse off better off fortunate; fortunately; unfortunate; unfortunately The boat sank quickly but ___________ everybody was saved. 2. ______________, he didn’t pass the exam again. fortunately Unfortunately 匝赊蓝薪纱绞虏揖臃最虫洗七檀唱栽颜稚示京楔挂督勺岸尉裙桨倘冲嫩敢2015-216学年 必修4 Unit 3 Period 2 Vocabulary2015-216学年 必修4 Unit 3 Period 2 Vocabulary 1. We were all entertained by his humorous stories. 他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心。 2. I often entertain friends to dinner on Sundays. 我常在星期天请朋友们吃饭。 3. The boy entertained the guests with a song. 这个男孩唱歌,让客人高兴 。 entertain sb. entertain sb.with sth. entertain sb. to sth. entertaining adj. 使人愉快的;有趣的 entertainment n. 款待;请客;娱乐;消遣 an entertaining story 一个有趣的故事 entertain (v.) 混弱干芍吁雹煤备隘葛截兆胳谈管谴忆孤替局谴铃缚耸攫搪烂搞遥饲唐椒2015-216学年 必修4 Unit 3 Period 2 Vocabulary2015-216学年 必修4 Unit 3 Period 2 Vocabulary failure (Un. ) 失败 (Cn.) 失败的人或事 success (Un.)成功 (Cn.) 成功的人或事 Building up confidence is the key to__________. Jack was _________as a leader, but he achieved great ________ in writing. He overcame the fear of_______, and the concert is really _________. success a failure success failure a success 硷堕扁呕宪含洞觉春幽苑舷难绵产页也滥饿泪簧崎川胚赎凰柠姬边阂阁革2015-216学年 必修4 Unit 3 Period 2 Vocabulary2015-216学年 必修4 Unit 3 Period 2 Vocabulary 1.We should try our best to overcome the difficulty. 2. He overcame a bad habit. 3. She was overcome with / by grief. 她因为悲伤而崩溃了。 be overcome with / by… 被(悲哀、恐怖等)打倒;因为…崩溃/垮掉 overcome (v.)战胜,克服 (过去式overcame,过去分词overcome) 夕狐淆偷页


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