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Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3, 2008
Foster and Partners
北京首都国际机场 3 号航站楼 2008
The world’s largest building – the new Terminal at Beijing to experience the thrill of this dramatic space from the best
Capital International Airport – opens ahead of schedule for the vantage point.
2008 Olympics. Designed and completed in only four years, The single unifying roof canopy is perforated with skylights to
Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport has opened. aid orientation and bring daylight deep into the building. The
As the world’s largest building and most advanced airport, the colour palette moves through 16 tones from red at the entrance
new terminal offers an unparalleled traveling experience, not at T3A through to orange and finally yellow at the far end of
only technologically, but also in terms of operational efficiency, T3B. This establishes a subtle zoning system that breaks down
passenger comfort, sustainability and access to natural light. the scale of the building and enables easy wayfinding. This
Completed as the gateway to Beijing for athletes participating palette is also applied north to south in the ceiling above the
in the twenty-ninth Olympiad, it is designed to be welcoming arrivals and departures halls, heightening the sense of curvature
and uplifting. A symbol of place, its soaring aerodynamic roof in the roof plane.
and its dragon-like form celebrate the thrill and poetry of Connections between T3A and T3B take place on a highspeed
flight. Its gold roof resonates with the Forbidden City, while the automated people mover (APM) which travels at up to 80
striking interior palette of red through orange to yellow evokes kph, with a journey time of just two
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