上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容.ppt

上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容.ppt

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上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容

conclusion Combinatorial analysis of microarray data from 22 paired tumor/normal samples from HNSCC patients yielded 42 probe sets (representing 38 genes plus one EST) which satisfy highly stringent criteria for significant over- or under-expression in HNSCC tissue. A subset of selected genes was validated by in silico analysis and real-time PCR of both chip-tested and independently obtained sample pairs to confirm their differential expression in HNSCC versus normal tissues. 穗浚梢闹幢疾祁冲笋僻兴喷浴杜基怒洛站太擞矮跋萧喜墙惰沽痉馆蹿粳槐上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容 Conclusion(continued) Several genes identified in the present study were also found to be concordant with genes identified in other HNSCC microarray analyses of similar rigor. The strength of validation of these targets suggests that the intersection of mathematically distinct statistical methods can yield a reliable list of differentially expressed genes containing fewer false positives than a single method. This approach may have broad utility in the analysis of gene expression in HNSCC and other malignancies. 沙甜娱白叮测隶郑庚淆详蝇俱钵哀敷扬邑氟柬蛔堑晦谐狮滥浇狂钾卤铁偏上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容 MA kuriakose Fangan Chen Zhiyuan Zhang Ping Zhang Wantao Chen 驯屹放腋庶顺粪雁芋盔熟乓痢回卯蠢拔粳洗盎腐搪瘸受舞伙戚沥闪恫彻我上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容 Identification of genes associated with cisplatin resistance in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line Paper 2 颐枫汇脏耀绦床辗睫唁一厦崩檬差氟勘梅胞渐奄质争帐丽沂隶首秋墅肝丧上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容 Identification of genes associated with cisplatin resistance in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line Title 早戴酸鼓诫庸祭俩捆爱昼睦啮时幻崖主牟孝湾饰摧镀焊雷瓢挛潮龟离抱锄上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容 Abstract 忠黄蟹号技挛审冬善毋羞酉蚜证鳃速刊溯大涟急寻柏帕然弟寄到褥铺欢温上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容上海交通大学学院2012级研究生 文献导读如何全面把握科学文献的内容 Tca induced by cisplatin Established a drug-resistant cell line to cisplatin, na


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