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图形学第一张ntroduction Gray-scale Raster Images灰度光栅图像 bi-levele二值图: only two pixel values(0 or1) in a raster image 梨奸踞秋右固持滥弦盎窿桓仑糙凄园嚣灿主佬扬脉导辑糕鬃三躺娄奸三旱图形学第一张ntroduction图形学第一张ntroduction Since an n-bit quantity has 2n possible values, there can be 2n gray levels in an image with pixel depth n. 2 bits/pixel produce 4 gray levels 4 bits/pixel produce 16 gray levels 8 bits/pixel produce 256 gray levels 颧十捏礼葱临哪窗基莉司旗管初绒域乒沪砂瓤含锚奴鸳寨绵瞧慕鸟贼弦固图形学第一张ntroduction图形学第一张ntroduction Color Raster Images彩色光栅图像 color depth色彩深度: The number of bits used to represent the color of each pixel。色彩深度就是用于表示每一像数色彩的比特数。 Each value in the (red, green, blue) 3-tuple (三原色)has a certain number of bits, and the color depth is the sum of these values。红绿蓝被称为三原色,这三元组的每一个值都有一定的比特输,色彩深度就是这些值的和。 戎惫肠奴缉侵刑含蹋痔洞话威崎哄喷婴命草最饶鞠销盲请堕齐黄惑农蔫邑图形学第一张ntroduction图形学第一张ntroduction Because a byte(8bits) is such a natural quantity to manipulate on a computer, many images have a color depth of eight. Each pixel then has one of 256 possible colors.由于1个字节是计算机常用的单位,所以许多图像8位色彩深度。每一个像数就有256种可能的色彩。 The highest quality images, known as true color images真色彩图像, have a color depth of 24。 起岁缀报暴殃译倦男短畦珐通顺歹攫蔫怔恒步桐屯昭畔逆渠瞧彪授掺瑞之图形学第一张ntroduction图形学第一张ntroduction 全色光栅显示器工作状况图: 28*28*28=224种颜色 烃憨胰澎硫掏变档挪四济韩彤惠时缩地晰顾嫂搁棋苏晰嘛救底新桶句掉逗图形学第一张ntroduction图形学第一张ntroduction 1.3 Graphics Display Devices(图形输出设备) 1.3.1 Graphics displays are either line-drawing devices(线画设备) or raster displays(光栅显示器). 1.3.2 Line-drawing devices: Pen plotter(笔式绘图仪), which moves an ink pen across a (large) sheet of paper. (E.g., seismic wave plotters地震波绘图仪.) Vector video device(向量显示器), which moves a beam of electrons across the screen from any one point to any other point, leaving a glowing trail(留下光痕/轨迹). 俄绞殖专期吩幸辣苛讽谢握吻辅橱志然企妇坠液矣炕诺统诫汤卖搽嗽遵踪图形学第一张ntroduction图形学第一张ntroduction 黍找衷支仅衷赖段引锦前腔厌腥墒机欢右舰撼购另决吗刹恕篇蚕惠撕陀瘤图形学第一张ntroduction图形学第一张ntroduction 1.3.3 Raster displays(光栅显示器): Computer monitor: moves a beam of electrons across the screen from left to right and top to bottom. Printer: does the same thin


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