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Period 1;Introduction-1 Brainstorm(2ms) What can you see from the picture?;Introduction-2. Vocabulary (4ms) Fill in the blanks.;Introduction-3. Matching (4ms);cave;Introduction - 4. Quiz(3ms) Do the quiz about the Yangtze River. ;Post-reading-1. Discussion (3ms) ;Reading Vocabulary -2. Scanning (5ms) Find out the answers to the following questions. ; Complete the statements about the writer’s journey.;4. When the boat went through the first gorge. Peter and his friend _____. (a) took lots of photographs (b) spent most of the time on deck (c) were asleep 5. When they reached the site of the dam _______ came to look. (a) everyone (b) no one (c) only the foreigners 6. Peter was impressed by the Yangtze River’s sense of ______. (a) power (b) history (c) danger;Reading Vocabulary -4. Filling (5ms) Fill in the blanks.;A Trip Along the Three Gorges;Complete the definitions of the words in the box.; Match the words with their definition.;Homework ;Period 2; Listening Speaking-1.Speaking (5ms) Describe the pictures on page 45. ;Listening Speaking -2.Listening (4ms) Listen to the conversation and decide where the speakers are.;Listening Speaking -3. Answering (5ms) Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.;Listening Speaking -4.Extra-listening(6m) Listen to the tape,and fill in the blanks.;TO: That sounds fun…. TA: Then there are ________ every evening ____________________ you don’t have to go to them, of course. TO: Good, I’m glad they’re not compulsory. What about other ______________? TA: Well, there’s an on-board disco every night. TO: Great. And are there any ____________ Chinese activities. TA: Yes, there are. You can do ___________ __________, and you can even learn some Chinese. ;TO: What about swimming in the Yangtze River? TA: No, swimming from the boat is __________. It’s too __________. TO: Oh, I see. Are there any other rules


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