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Unit 1 发生,举行 会议将在下周日举行。 盼望 通向,导致 屏息 使…想起 Unit 3 大量的/少量的 允许某人做某事 允许某事 是…的原因;为…作出解释 至于,关于 Unit 4 及时,终于,迟早 产生,分娩 挡住,忘掉, 既然,由于 必修三 Unit5 Words and expressions 必修四 Unit1 Words and expressions 必修四 Unit2 Words and expressions 面对面地 苏醒 根据…模仿 同位语从句: 1.The fact that she works hard is well known to us all. 2.I have no idea whether he’ll come or not 3.The question where we should go has not been diacussed. 4.I ‘ve got a good idea why they left early 1. achievement n. 成就,成绩,功绩 sense of achievement 成就感 完成项目之后,他有了巨大的成就感。 After finishing the project, he felt a great sense of achievement. 2. have …in common with 与某人有…的共同之处 She has a lot in common with her twin sister. 她和双胞胎姐姐有很多共同之处。 3. fight for 为……而战 fight with sb 和某人并肩作战 fight against 为反对……而战斗 4. concern oneself with/about 关心 父母关心子女。 Parents concern themselves with their children. 5. connection between A and B A和B之间的关系 太阳与季节之间有关系吗? Is there a connection between the sun and the seasons? 6. campaign n. 运动,战役 v. 参加运动 A campaign for 争取得到…的战役 against 反对…的战役 to do 为做…而进行的战役 campaign for 参加争取…的运动 against 参加反对…的运动 with sb 与某人一起参加运动 7. move off 离开,起程,出发 他们的队伍在黎明时分出发了。 Their team moved off at dawn. 8. in the shade of 在…阴影下 There is a man standing in the shade of the tree. 9. warn sb not to do sth = warn sb against doing sth 警告某人不要做某事 他母亲提醒他上学不要迟到。 His mother warned him not to be late for school. =His mother warned him against being late for school. 10. worthwhile 值得做的,值得一试的 做某事是值得的 It’s worthwhile to do sth It’s worthwhile doing sth be worth n/doing be worthy to be done of being done 某事值得…… The song is worth listening. The book is worthy to be listened/of being listened. 11. think about 关心;替…着想;考虑 She never thought about other people. 12. work out 设法弄懂;计算出;精心制定 They have worked out a plan for the project. 13. be outspoken about (doing) sth 对…直言不讳 He is always outspoken about her mistakes. 14. show/have


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