
LED 阵列模拟针灸照射系统的设计 - 河北科技大学学报.PDF

LED 阵列模拟针灸照射系统的设计 - 河北科技大学学报.PDF

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LED 阵列模拟针灸照射系统的设计 - 河北科技大学学报

30 1 Vol. 30, No . 1 2009 3 Journal of Hebei University of Science and T echnolo y Mar . 2009 : 1008- 1542( 2009) 01-0062- 03 LED 1 2 2 石桂菊, 刘艳明, 陈书旺 ( 1. 河北科技大学研究生学院, 河北石家庄 0500 18; 2. 河北科技大学信息科学与工程学院, 河北石 家庄 050018) : LED 在发光强度波长实用性和价格 有很多优点, 因此它被广泛应用于生物医学工程 领域如果用高亮度LED 照射人体皮肤或组织, 皮肤表面温度会提升通过对LED 阵列光源结 构的研究, 设计了一套研究LED 影响的系统 LED 阵列模拟针灸照射笔依据LED 参数, 如 LED 的数量照射时间和发光强度等来确定温度的改变LED 阵列照射笔用来照射人体皮肤的穴 位, 作用到人体 可能会和针灸有 一样的效果此系统或可应用于治疗老年斑皮肤癌皮肤疾病 等 : LED 阵列; 发光强度; 表皮温度; 针灸 : T P368. 1 : A Desi n of irradiation system of analo us acupuncture on LED arrays 1 2 2 SHI Gu-i ju , LIU Yan-min , CHEN Shu-w an ( 1. Colle e of Graduate, H ebei University of Science and T echnolo y , Shijiazhuan H ebei 050018, China; 2. Colle e of Informa- t ion Science and En ineerin , H ebei University of Science and T echnolo y , Shijiazhuan H ebei 050018, China) Abstract: LED has many advant a es in intensit y, wavelen th, practicality and price, so it is feasible to apply in biomedicine en ineerin . The temperature of the skin surface can rise if skin and or anizat ion is in irradiation by hi hli ht LED array s. The st ruct ure of the LED source array s sy stem is presented and a LED array s for analo us acupunct ure is desi ned. The tempera- ture is chan ed accordin t o t he LED parameters such as t he number, irradiation time and luminous intensity of LED . The LED arrays device is used to irradiate the points of human body, actin the same effect on personal or anization as the acupuncture. The sy stem is applied in curin such skin diseases as a e pi ment, skin cancer and f leck. Key words: LED array s; luminous intensity; surface temperature; acupunc


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